Hawaii Institute of Geophysics & Planetology Instruments

FEI Titan3 G2 60-300 dual aberration-corrected TEM/STEM
The University of Hawai‘i’s Titan monochromated and dual aberration-corrected (scanning) transmission electron microscope.

FEI Helios NanoLab 660 Extreme High Resolution Dual Beam FIB
Helios NanoLab 660 Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam instrument (FIB).

A dual reservoir liquid nitrogen environment chamber built by Infrared Laboratories. It features two windows, one for illuminating the sample with a solar simulated source, and one for viewing the sample with the Designs and Prototypes Spectrometer (2.5 to 14 microns). Samples are illuminated with an arc lamp to produce solar-like illumination. Environment control ranges from room temperature down to 80K (-315° F or -200° C).