This theme will characterize samples from experiments and Interplanetary dust particles using: Electron microprobe, Scanning TEM, Secondary Ion Spectrometry nano FTIR, reflectance spectra from UV to NIR, magnetic properties, Laser Raman spectroscopy to assess the sub-micron infrared spectroscopic changes (in absorption spectra and dielectric constant) in laboratory space-weathered materials produced NanoSIMS measurements to measure water contents in FIB sections
Transmission Electron Microscopy

Examples of edge electron energy loss spectra (EELS) at different core edges. Low-loss EELS is sensitive to water (bound/unbound) and other solar wind implantation products (H, He). (i) Low-loss features from (a-c) water (in a TEM wet cell) and (d-f) hydroxyl in talc [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2]. (ii) H-K and He-K edges in rims on H and He-irradiated silicate standards (from Bradley et al. 2014)