Samantha Adamson, MD PhD, returns from maternity leave and celebrates her birthday with the lab. Great to have you back, Samantha!
Bella presents at EASD
A winning talk on cilia regulation of GLP-1 signaling!
ExM preprint is online
Xinhang’s many gorgeous islet cilia images featured in our expansion microscopy manuscript
Bella receives EASD Travel Grant
Bella Melena, 3rd year MSTP student in our lab, won a travel grant to the 60th EASD Meeting in Madrid, Spain. Bella will present her work on primary cilia regulation of GLP-1 signaling.
Welcome baby Faye
Our newest lab member, Faye DiGruccio, was born today, 8 lb 9 oz and a full head of hair. Congratulations Samantha and Michael!
Hughes Lab attends MIC 2024
We had a strong showing at the Midwest Islet Club in Chicago, with 5 of 6 lab members attending. Shannon rocked her talk, and we had two poster presentations. It was a great trip filled with science, food, and friends.
Immuno SEM paper published
Decoding cilia protein composition, one immunogold antibody at a time. This labor of love now published in Journal of Cell Science. Read the First Person interview of our first-author Sanja Sviben. WU Dept of Medicine coverage here.
Our work highlighted in The Scientist
Our scanning electron microscopy study of islet cilia structure (Polino et al PNAS 2023) is highlighted in Science Snapshot in The Scientist Magazine. Image shows a human islet beta cell with a primary cilium projecting from its microvilli-covered surface, scale 1 um.
Congrats Xinhang on a successful defense
Xinhang Dong gave a fantastic masters thesis defense in Biomedical Engineering, “Applying Expansion Microscopy to Visualize Dynein Expression in Islet Cilia.” We are so proud of her as the first graduate student to defend in the lab!
Poster award winner
Jeong Hun’s work recognized at the Asia Islet Biology & Incretin Symposium, March 28-30, 2024.
Grants, papers, and ice cream!
What better way to celebrate us? Clementine’s in the Central West End.
Welcome Michelle
Michelle Phan, first-year DBBS student, joined our lab as a rotation student. She will be playing with microscopes and helping us expand our research questions on beta cell cilia. Lab lunch today to celebrate Michelle (first from the right in photo).
Jeong Hun wins Proteintech imaging contest
Our postdoc Jeong Hun was the winner of the 2023 Microscopy Image Competition. Thanks Proteintech! Mouse islet; green, acetylated alpha tubulin; red, FOP basal body marker; blue, DAPI
Hughes Lab represented at ICDM 2023
Jing and Eun Young both gave invited talks at the International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism (ICDM) in October 2023 in Gyeongju, Korea. Picture of attendees of the Presidential Dinner.
Welcome Jon, rotation student
We are excited to host Jon Beirne for his PhD rotation. Jon is a seasoned experimentalist and has aspirations toward studying RNA biology in metabolism.
Congrats Bella on passing QE
A job well-done! We are excited for you to begin your thesis research.
Welcome Shannon, new postdoc
The lab went out for lunch to celebrate our new postdoc Shannon Townsend. Shannon trained with Maureen Gannon for her PhD at Vanderbilt and is from Queens, NY. We are going to do great things, Shannon!
Xinhang joins the lab as masters student
Xinhang Dong from McKelvey School of Engineering joins as a new graduate student in the lab. She received her undergrad degree from ShanghaiTech University and is wicked good at programming. Welcome to the group!
Scanning EM paper published
Team work makes the dream work – cover story in PNAS this week! Read the paper here:
New review article in DMJ
Eun Young’s review article “Rediscovering Primary Cilia in Pancreatic Islets” is now published in Diabetes & Metabolism Journal. Download PDF here:
Samantha receives K12 Award
Dr. Samantha Adamson, PGY6 fellow and soon to be instructor, receives the National NIH Physician Scientist DiabDocs-K12 program award for 2023-2024. She joins a select group of future leaders in diabetes research and clinical care. Congratulations Samantha!
Hughes Lab goes to ASCI
Samantha and Jing attended the 2023 American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) meeting in Chicago. The WashU MSTP community was well-represented at the meeting. Photographed: Samantha Adamson, Jing Hughes, Max Petersen
Goodbye Eun Young
A bittersweet send-off to Dr Eun Young Lee, who returns to Korea to resume clinical work in diabetes. She will be missed dearly.
Frontiers Cell Dev Bio review published
MSTP student Bella Melena publishes a review article on islet cilia and glucose regulation. Read it here:
Motility finding covered by Proteintech
Our finding of motile primary cilia is reviewed in this blog article from Proteintech, a company whose antibodies aided our discovery.
Farewell Lifei
We send Lifei our very best wishes as she begins her postdoctoral position in the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University.
Motility paper published in Science Advances
Going against scientific canon, we describe primary cilia that can move. Read our story and the companion editorial from Science Advances.
Methods paper published in Frontiers
Lead author Alex Li and colleagues publish methods paper on cilia imaging in Frontiers in Endocrinology. Well done, Alex and team!
Bella joins as MSTP student
Bella Melena, 2nd year WUSM student, joins the lab as a PhD student. We are so happy for Bella entering the MSTP program and staying for her thesis work!
Jung Hoon gives talk at HIRN
Postdoc Jung Hoon represents our lab at the 2022 HIRN meeting in Washington D.C.
Jung Hoon publishes review in Frontiers
Our review on modeling islet cilia mutations in diabetes, now published in Frontiers in Endocrinology. Great work, Jung Hoon!