On February 22, 2020, the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and Physicians Against the Trafficking of Humans (PATH) provided the Learn to Identify & Fight Trafficking (LIFT) training at the Institute of Public Health, Washington University. The Human Trafficking Collaborative Network was a local host to this nationally accredited half-a-day training. The training was attended approximately 50 professionals and students. This series highlighted the scope and reach of human trafficking in the U.S., equips participants to recognize the signs of trafficking, and provides connections to trustworthy local resources.

This free CME-accredited training was facilitated by WU School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Residency Alumni Dr. Mollie R. Gordon MD. She discussed the history of LIFT and its mission to help medical professionals care for victims of human trafficking. The presentation emphasized the scope of human trafficking in the United States, how people are trafficked, and what providers can do to better accommodate and care for victims.

Afterwards, Dr. Gordon moderated a panel of local human trafficking experts that included representatives from the International Institute, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, ywca St. Louis, St. Louis Family Court, MO Coalition Against Trafficking and Exploitation, Safe Connections, Butterfly Dreams Alliances, and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. They answered questions from the attendees, further discussing obstacles victims face and how the warp-around service system can be better integrated to suit their needs.

Assistance from AMWA St. Louis Chapter Co-Presidents, Emily Johnson and Adrienne Visani, was critical for the success of this training in a Washington University campus.

Bios of St. Louis Community representatives