Nikon Microscopy Tutorials
Optical Microscopy Primer – Florida State University
Invitrogen Fluorescence Tutorials
Fluorescence spectra viewer
Curve-o-matic spectra viewer from Omega Optics
Nucleic acid
BLAST with a database
Alignment of two sequences
Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal
Nucleotide to protein translation
Restriction mapping
Conserved domain search tool
Sequence search with gene expression profile data
Design primers with primer BLAST
GPCR/G protein data and reagent sources
Sigma Chemical Co. – G protein reagents
Sigma – GPCR handbook
Tocris – GPCR list
Tocris – Molarity calculator
Ascent Scientific – Low cost ligands
Membrane receptors database
UPHAR database for GPCRs / 7-TM receptors
GLIDA – GPCR ligand database
Endogenous GPCRs in common cell lines
gpDB: a database of GPCRs, G-proteins, Effectors and their interactions
GPCRDB – The GPCR database