How the G2W Program Works

Gateway2Wellness is a confidential program and not connected to your employer. Your employer will not see any data that can identify you as an individual, and will not know if you are participating or not.

What Are You Screening For?

The Gateway2Wellness (G2W) program will measure participants’ wellbeing with a survey that includes questions about each of these 5 domains:

How Are the Resources Personalized?


G2W participants will be asked to answer survey questions in the G2W Dashboard at the start of the program and then once a month, for six months.

  • Participant survey results will determine the personalized wellness resources recommended in their G2W Dashboard.
  • Participants can explore other wellness resources from their G2W Dashboard and search the resources by interaction level (1:1, group or self-directed), modality (in-person or online) and cost (free, covered by insurance, or out-of-pocket costs).
  • Participants can also swap out a resource the program recommends for a different one at any time.
  • Participants can contact a G2W Navigator for assistance by text, clicking on “Alerting the Navigator” in the G2W dashboard, or by scheduling a call. Learn more about the G2W Navigator.