It’s the month of Halloween. Here’s how to use it for your Wellbeing. Now.

Hi all. It’s fall. It’s a long weekend (for some people, not us) Indigenous Peoples’ Day. But still, there’s lots of good stuff going on in the world right now – you just have to look for it. Just this morning, I started the following Google search: “October…” and the all-knowing Google literally filled in […]

Early Memories: what’s real? (and does it matter?)

Since there are limits to the therapeutic effects of humor – both for humor creators and humor consumers – we’re trying out some new, more erudite(ish) content. If you guessed that this Wellbeing Now! is a story, you are correct! It’s a little exercise in what we call first memory exploration (related: childhood amnesia), combined […]

Indifference: What it is and how to beat it in 4 simple steps!

Hi friend!~ Wow. It sure has been a minute. How are you doing? Has anyone asked you that lately? Have you asked anyone else? I’ve been thinking a lot about indifference since we last chatted. You might be wondering how this is remotely related to wellbeing, and you’re not wrong to be concerned about the […]

Plants (the green ones) are good for your brain

Hello my friends! Just another short little nugget of niceness to end the week. With all the cold, windy, sleet-y weather and all the things that seem wrong in the world, it can be hard to believe the sun will still come out tomorrow. But you know what? It will. And you know what else? […]

Silliness is just another word for freedom

Hola from Jackson Hole, where the moose (meese?) bury themselves neck-deep in snow, the mountains are steep and bespoke cowboy hats abound. This week’s Wellbeing Now! was unplanned, and also not vetted by any wellbeing experts, so read at your own risk. But first, some unfinished business from last week: Do you have a wellbeing-related idea or […]