Jennifer Beatty

Jennifer Beatty


Jennifer is a Psychological and Brain Sciences doctoral candidate at Washington University in St. Louis. She has master’s degrees in Psychological and Brain Sciences (Washington University in St. Louis ’22), Applied Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania ‘18), and Education (University of Pennsylvania ‘15). Prior to her doctoral program, she worked as a research coordinator at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She was also a K-8 teacher with Teach for America and a school administrator before graduate school. Her primary research interests include interventions for bias regulation, emotion regulation, intergroup relations, and well-being.

Sarah Luo

Sarah Luo

Sarah is a Psychological and Brain Sciences PhD student at WashU. She received her bachelor's degree from Bryn Mawr College and her master's degree from Wake Forest University. She is broadly interested in both intra- and interpersonal emotion regulation. Specifically, her research focuses on investigating factors that influence people's choice to select a strategy and to continue using it. Outside of the lab, she enjoys watching anime, sitcoms, and cuddling with her cat Leo.

JaNiene  E. Peoples

JaNiene E. Peoples


JaNiene is a Social Work PhD candidate at the Brown School at WashU. She received a BA in Health and Human performance from the University of Memphis and a Master's degree in Health Education from Texas A&M University. She works closely with the Emotion and Relationships lab, using EMA studies to examine risk and protective factors influencing mental health and substance abuse among Black emerging adults and college students. Her other research interests broadly include mental health and substance use, intervention research, and digital health.

Wesley Tucker

Wesley Tucker

Wesley is a Psychological and Brain Sciences PhD student at Washington University in St. Louis. She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Wake Forest University.  Prior to starting at Wash U, Wesley worked as a research analyst for RTI International on the Corrections and Reentry team contributing to projects in the criminal legal system research field. Her research interests are broadly in both inter- and intrapersonal emotion regulation and close relationships. More specifically, her interests are currently focused on dyadic interpersonal emotion regulation, coping strategy selection, the mind-body connection, and the impact of interaction with the natural environment. Aside from her research interests, Wesley enjoys spending time outside, picking up new crafts, and adventuring with her dog, Baloo.