Spring 2018

Wednesday, February 7th at 10am — Eads 004

*Varieties of DH/Distant Reading After Moretti*

Readings: the 2018 MLA panel “Varieties of DH”

Lauren Klein’s “Distant Reading after Moretti”; Alan Liu’s “Digital Humanities Diversity as Technical Problem”; and Ted Underwood’s “A Broader Purpose” 

Wednesday, March 7th at 10am — Eads 004

*Shared Dataset Day*

In lieu of readings, we will be circulating a common dataset and inviting participants to analyze/explore this data by using a DH tool or method. We hope this exercise might be, for beginners, a chance to finally dip that toe into DH waters, and for veterans, the chance to try something new (or something old in a new way) and share it with the rest of us.

This year’s dataset comes from the Seattle Public Library, which releases their (anonymized) checkout data going back to 2005 through a nifty web interface. You can search for a particular year, author, or text and download your own data, but for your convenience, we’ve also created two attached CSVs that contain information about physical books checked out more than 10 times between 2010-2017 and more than 20 times in 2017.

Your “analysis” can be as simple as sorting an Excel spreadsheet to look at the trends for a specific text. Or you might load the CSV into a data visualization tool like WTFcsv or RAWGraphs. Or you can get as complicated and experimental as you like!

Tuesday, April 10th at 11am — Eads 004

*Presentation/Paper Workshop with Jaleen Grove*

Fall 2017

Thursday, September 28th at 10am — Eads 004

*Public Digital Humanities, or the Digital Public Humanities*

Readings: Richard So and Andrew Piper’s “How Has the MFA Changed the Contemporary Novel?” ; Wendy Hsu’s “Lessons on Public Humanities from the Civic Sphere”

Recommended reading: NEH Grant Guidelines for Digital Projects for the Public

Thursday, November 2nd at 10:30am –Eads 004

*Shared Data, Replication, and Dangers: What Can DH Learn From Amy Cuddy?*

Readings: Susan Dominus’s “When The Revolution Came For Amy Cuddy”; the debut of Cultural Analytics‘ peer-reviewed data sets section

Recommended reading: Timothy Brennan’s “The Digital-Humanities Bust”“Editor’s Choice” for Digital Humanities Now

Thursday, November 30th at 10am –Eads 004

*The Recent Scholarly and Popular Work of Richard Jean So: December’s Issues in Digital Humanities Speaker*

Readings: Richard So and Hoyt Long’s “Literary Pattern Recognition: Modernism between Close Reading and Machine Learning”; Richard So and Andrew Piper’s “Study Shows Books Can Bring Republicans and Democrats Together”

Recommended reading: Melissa Dinsman’s LARB interview with Richard So