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    Welcome, Chandan!

    Welcome, Chandan!

    Chandan is a new postdoc in the lab. We’re glad to have you join us!


    Our collaboration with the Mahjoub lab is published!

    Our collaboration with the Mahjoub lab is published!

    Congratulations to all collaborators on: Ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM) of mouse and human kidneys for analysis of subcellular structures. Cytoskeleton Link


    Welcome, Erica!

    Welcome, Erica!

    Erica officially joins the lab as a graduate student!


    Rachel’s paper is pre-printed

    Rachel’s paper is pre-printed

    Congratulations Rachel!

    What a whirlwind! We discover how the centriolar triplet microtubules help to enforce robust centriole architecture. A tour de force by Rachel, Lingyi, and Kate in the lab, collaborating with Ljiljana Milenkovic and Tim Stearns. Read the paper here


    Jenn’s advice to undergrads

    Jenn’s advice to undergrads

    It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to not know what you are doing. Be open to new opportunities. Throw yourself 100% into the things that excite you. Read More


    Farewell lunch for Lingyi

    Farewell lunch for Lingyi

    Goodbye Lingyi, we’ll miss you! All the best for your new adventure


    We are excited to host Dr. Geraldine Seydoux

    We are excited to host Dr. Geraldine Seydoux

    Great to see Geraldine in St. Louis at WashU!


    The Wang lab attends ASCB!

    The Wang lab attends ASCB!

    Rachel presents our poster and we catch up with friends! See photos here


    Jenn gives a talk at the University of Missouri – St. Louis

    Jenn gives a talk at the University of Missouri – St. Louis

    Thanks for the invite and great scientific discussions!


    The Wang lab and collaborators win an internal SPEED grant!

    The Wang lab and collaborators win an internal SPEED grant!

    We thank the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the review committee, and are excited to start this project!
