To initiate a collaboration with CC-GEMS please introduce your project by providing the following information to Dr. Makedonka Mitreva ( email: )
Incoming Effort Request
- Name:
- Affiliation:
- Contact email:
Specification checklist for incoming effort requests
- Is this work currently funded?
- Is this work a prelude to a grant?
- Is the requestor WUSM intra-mural or extra-mural?
- Has CC-GEMS already been contacted?
- Are animal studies involved?
- Are human subjects involved?
- What is the scope of the project?
General questions
- What is the scientific validity of the work?
- What is the innovative aspect of the project?
- Is the project within the capacity of CC-GEMS to perform?
- Is the proposal statistically well designed?
- Are there particular requirements in specimen acquisition, materials preparation, sequencing, data analysis and/or statistics that need to be considered?
- Is there public health or scientific urgency to the project?
- Is the proposed work in competition with other ongoing projects? How should this be managed if so?