We study how to reduce subtle or hidden discrimination.

UPDATE 07/18/24: This site is now deprecated. Please visit our new site at www.calvinklai.com/. Dr. Calvin Lai has started a new position as an Associate Professor at Rutgers University and can be reached at calvin.lai@rutgers.edu. He will be accepting PhD students for Fall 2025 at Rutgers.

Hidden biases within the mind create a gap between what people value (e.g., racial equality) and what people do (e.g., racial discrimination). Our research seeks to close this gap by understanding how these biases work, figuring out how to reduce them, and developing interventions for addressing their consequences.

Recent Lab Updates

4/24 Jenn Beatty received a grant from the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity for her project titled “Measuring Defensiveness about Anti-Black Intergroup Bias.

3/24 Messi Lee and Calvin Lai’s submission to ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) titled “Large Language Models Portray Socially Subordinate Groups as More Homogeneous, Consistent with a Bias Observed in Humans” was accepted.

2/24 Selin Toprakkiran received a grant from the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity for her project titled “Perception of Immigration Policy Instability.”

2/24 Calvin Lai participated in a panel discussion titled “Grant-seeking from Private Foundations: What Investigators Should Know” at SPSP 2024.

2/24 Grace Drake presented her poster titled “An Intervention to Empower People to Confront Sexism” at SPSP 2024.

2/24 Messi Lee presented his poster titled “Outgroup Homogeneity-like Effect in Large Language Models” at SPSP 2024.

2/24 Jenn Beatty gave a talk at the “Dynamic Intergroup Experiences: Regulatory Perspectives of Perpetrators, Witnesses, and Targets” Symposium titled “A Process Model of Intergroup Bias Regulation” at SPSP 2024.

2/24 Messi Lee was awarded the Outstanding Research Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology.

2/24 Ashley Tudder presented her poster titled “A multi-faceted intervention promotes intergroup empathy through granular emotion reflection” at SPSP 2024.

2/24 Maddie Hammer presented her poster titled “Not “Woman” Enough? Exploring Feminist Allyship Through Implicit Race-Gender Associations” at SPSP 2024.

1/24 Messi Lee and Calvin Lai published a paper in PNAS Nexus titled “America’s racial framework of superiority and Americanness embedded in natural language.”

12/23 Messi Lee presented his paper titled “The Effect of Group Status on the Variability of Group Representations in LLM-generated Text” at 2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023).

11/23 Messi Lee was awarded the Graduate Student Conference Travel Award from the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity!

10/23 Jenn Beatty, Grace Drake, & Selin Toprakkiran presented their research at the Innovation in Social and Community Psychology Summit.

6/23 Calvin Lai published a paper in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin titled “Individual Differences in Implicit Bias Can Be Measured Reliably by Administering the Same Implicit Association Test Multiple Times.”

5/23 Calvin Lai won the Association for Psychological Science’s Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions.

5/23 Selin Toprakkiran won the SPSSI Travel Award!

4/23 Ashley Tudder, Jenn Beatty, & Calvin Lai received a $10,000 grant from the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy.

3/23 Calvin Lai received tenure!

3/23 Jenn Beatty, Ashley Tudder, & Calvin Lai received a supplemental grant of $26,000 from the Templeton World Charity Foundation.

2/23 Selin Toprakkiran presented her poster titled “Perceptions of Nationality Groups in the US” at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

2/23 Calvin Lai gave a talk at the “Field Approaches to Reducing Discrimination” Symposium at SPSP.

2/23 Jennifer Beatty presented her poster titled “A Personalized Intervention to Improve Constructive Responding to Confrontations of Bias” at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

2/23 Ashley Tudder presented her poster titled “‘Let’s go over it again’: Examining the Intra- and Interpersonal Processes that Perpetuate Co-Rumination in Close Relationships” at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

2/23 Messi Lee presented his poster titled “A Test of the Racial Position Model in Natural Language” at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

2/23 Grace Drake presented her poster titled “Who Belongs in Philosophy? Implicit and Explicit Beliefs about Philosophy by Gender and Race” at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

2/23 Calvin Lai officially received the SAGE Early Career Trajectory Award at the SPSP Award Ceremony!

2/23 Selin Toprakkiran presented her poster titled “Can Democrats and Republicans like each other? Depends on how you define what it means to be American.” at the Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Preconference Pre-conference at SPSP.

2/23 Calvin Lai gave a talk titled “Diversity Training as a Vehicle of Social Influence” at the Attitudes & Social Influence Pre-conference at SPSP.

2/23 Calvin Lai published a paper in Psychological Science titled “The Impact of Implicit Bias-Oriented Diversity Training on Police Officers’ Beliefs, Motivations, and Actions.”

11/22 Selin Toprakkiran won the SPSP Graduate Student Travel Award!

8/22 Calvin Lai was awarded the SAGE Early-Career Trajectory Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology.

7/22 Calvin Lai has published a paper in Psychiatric Services titled “School Mental Health Professionals’ Knowledge of Stereotypes and Implicit Bias Toward Black and Latinx Youths.”

7/22 Izilda Pereira-Jorge left her Lab Manager role in DSL to pursue her PhD in Social Psychology at The University of Connecticut!

6/22 Ashley Tudder joined our team as a Postdoctoral Research Associate!

6/22 Calvin Lai and Pierce Ekstrom published a registered report in Collabra: Psychology titled “A Good Person Shouldn’t Feel This Way: Moralized Attitudes, Identity, and Self-Esteem.”

4/22 Katie Lewis joined our team as a Postdoctoral Research Associate!

4/22 Grace Drake and Izilda Pereira-Jorge received Honorable Mentions from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

3/22 Jennifer Beatty received an Honorable Mention from the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. Congrats, Jenn!

2/22 Jennifer Beatty presented her poster titled “A Personalized Social Modeling Intervention for Reducing Racial Bias” at SPSP.

2/22 Calvin Lai presented his session titled “A Comparative Investigation of Interventions to Reduce Weight Bias on Five Implicit Measures” at SPSP.

2/22 Grace Drake presented her poster titled “Who Has My Back? Perceptions of Anti-Racist Allyship are Influenced by Race, Gender, and Past Behavior” at SPSP.

2/22 Messi Lee presented his poster titled “The Spread of Stereotypes on Social Media” at SPSP.

2/22 Jennifer Beatty presented her poster titled “A Personalized Intervention to Increase Regulatory Capacity for Anti-Racist Action” at the Intervention Science Pre-conference at SPSP.

Recent Media Coverage

5/23 Bias and diversity training for police works—temporarily. (Psychology Today)

3/23 APS 2023 Spence awardees on sharing minds, the development of learning, and implicit bias. (Association for Psychological Science Under the Cortex Podcast)

3/23 Diversity training: One size does not fit all. (Association for Psychological Science)

2/23 America’s most enduring myth. (Salon)

2/23 Police implicit bias training may impact belief, but not behavior, WashU study finds. (St.Louis Public Radio)

2/23 Commonly used police diversity training unlikely to change officers’ behavior, study finds. (WashU The Source)

2/23 Can police brutality be reduced through better training? Here’s what the evidence says. (Grid News)

1/23 Calvin Lai, PhD: Assistant professor and implicit bias researcher shares his academic and professional journey and offers practical advice. (Master’s in Psychology Podcast)

8/22 Workplace diversity programmes often fail, or backfire. (The Economist)

5/22 Demographics, not bias, best predict traffic stops. (WashU The Source)

5/22 Finding out we all have hidden racial bias: Regardless of race: 5 years on. (CNA Television Broadcast)

3/22 Traffic stops and race: Police conduct may bend to local biases. (APS)

9/21 How to harness your own biases. (CBC)

6/21 Why many Americans can’t see the wealth gap between White and Black America. (FiveThirtyEight)

6/21 Why ineffective diversity training won’t go away. (BBC)

5/21 Disrupting the impacts of
implicit bias.
(The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine)

5/21 5 strategies to infuse D&I into your organization. (Harvard Business Review)

4/21 What unconscious bias training gets wrong…and how to fix it. (The Guardian)

3/21 How Racist Am I? (Vox)

2/21 To overcome unconscious bias, you must recognize that it’s deeply ingrained in your brain. (Prevention)

1/21 The bias of crowds: Beyond diversity training. (APS Observer)

11/20 Does diversity training work? (APA Podcast)

10/20 What works to reduce police brutality. (APA Monitor)

9/20 Can you train people to be less biased? (PBS)

8/20 Is it possible to rid police officers of bias? (BBC)

8/20 What do unconscious bias tests really reveal about racism? (New Scientist)

7/20 The problem with implicit bias trainings. (Business Insider)

7/20 Unconscious Bias: Facing the realities of racism. (CNN Television broadcast)

6/20 Activists want bias training for cops. The ADL provides it. But does it work? (Forward)

6/20 Can implicit bias training help cops overcome racism? (Popular Science)

6/20 Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work. (PBS News Hour)

6/20 This video explains implicit bias using a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (Women’s Health)

5/20 What’s behind COVID-19 violence? (Global Health Now)

3/20 Can you change your unconscious biases? (Raconteur)