Contact Information
Department of Economics
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
Harry and Susan Seigle Hall 307
Campus Box 1208
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
Office: (314) 935-8924
Fax: (314) 935-4156
Associate Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Economics,
July 2013 – present.
Director, Missouri Social Science Experimental Laboratory (MISSEL).
The Oxford Handbook of The Economics of Networks
Oxford University Press, 2016
coedited with Y. Bramoulle and A. Galeotti
- This paper resulted from merging “Diversity and Popularity in Social Networks”, with Y. Bramoullé, with an independent working paper.
- Winner, 2007 BE Press Arrow Prize for Senior Economists
Associate Editor, Mathematical Social Sciences, April 2015 – present.
Third Annual Conference on Network Science and Economics, April 2017.
Workshop on Advances in the Theory of Networks and Strategic Interaction, Evanston, October 2008.
Program Committees
Public Economic Theory, Seattle, July 2014.
Midwest Economics Association, Columbus, March 2013.
Seminars and Invited Talks
CMU and University of Pittsburgh, September 2017.
University of Edinburgh, September 2017.
Bocconi University, May 2017.
Indiana University, April 2017.
University of Southern California, March 2017.
Fourth European Meeting on Networks, Aix-Marseille, June 2016.
UC San Diego, Economics Seminar, April 2016
Workshop on Game Theory, Santiago, Chile, December 2015.
New Directions in Applied Microeconomics: Theory and Evidence, Caltech, November 2015.
Stanford CASBS Workshop, May 2015 (planned).
UCLA, Center for Engineering Economics, Learning and Networks, May 2015.
Yale University, School of Management, December 2014.
University of Washington, Economics Seminar, November 2014.
University of Missouri, Economics Seminar, October 2014
Vanderbilt University, Economics Seminar, October 2013.
University of Siena, Economics Seminar, September 2013.
University of Warwick, CRETA Seminar, May 2013.
Yale University, Economics Seminar, April 2013.
Paris School of Economics, Roy Seminar, October 2012.
University College London, Theory Seminar, October 2012.
Washington University in St. Louis, Economics Seminar, September 2012.
NetSci Symposium on Economics in Networks, June 2012.
Bielefeld University, Economics Seminar, May 2012.
University of Texas, Austin, Economics Seminar, March 2012.
University of Wisconsin, Economics Seminar, November 2011.
University of Essex, Economics Seminar, October 2011.
Econometric Society, North American Summer Meeting, Semi-plenary lecture, St. Louis, June 2011.
Purdue University, Theory Workshop, April 2011.
Northwestern University, NICO Seminar, February 2011.
Penn State University, Economics Seminar, February 2011.
University of California, San Diego, Rady School of Management, November 2010.
University of Southern California, Economics Seminar, November 2010.
Northwestern University, EE & CS Seminar, September 2010.
Decentralized Control in Systems of Strategic Actors, Santa Fe Institute, August 2010.
University of Arizona, Economics Seminar, May 2010.
University of Iowa, Economics Seminar, May 2010.
Paris School of Economics, Economics Seminar, November 2009.
University of Venice, Economics Seminar, November 2009.
Bocconi University, Economics Seminar, Milan, November 2009.
EUI, Economics Seminar, Florence, November 2009.
University of Illinois, Microeconomics Seminar, Urbana-Champaign, October 2009.
Workshop on the Economics of Social Networks, Québec, October 2009.
Stockholm University, Economics Seminar, May 2009.
UC Berkeley, Computer Science-Microtheory Seminar, February 2009.
UC Berkeley, Theory Seminar, February 2009.
University of Essex, October 2008.
Kellogg Operations Workshop, Evanston, September 2008.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Chicago, July 2008.
SIAM Annual Mtg., Mini-symposium: Formation and Function of Social Networks, San Diego, July 2008.
Workshop on Social Economics, Stanford, April 2008.
Workshop on Networks and Games, Tilburg, April 2008.
Northwestern University, Marketing Dept., February 2008.
Northwestern University, MEDS Lunch, December 2007.
Northwestern University, NICO, May 2007.
The Ohio State University, Seminar in Economic Theory, December 2006.
University of Michigan, Theory Seminar, November 2006.
New York University, C.E.S.S. Experimental Seminar, September 2006.
Université Laval, Québec, January 2006.
Other Presentations
Workshop on Social and Economic Networks, University of Chicago BFI (discussant), September 2017.
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Faro, July 2017.
Public Choice Society Meetings, March 2017.
Econometric Society World Congress, Montreal, August 2015.
Midwest Economic Theory Conference, Columbus, March 2015.
Informal Seminar in Economic Theory, Washington University, May 2014.
AEA, Philadelphia, January 2014.
Dynamic Interactions for Economic Theory Conference, Paris, December 2013.
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Paris, July 2013.
Midwest Economics Association, Columbus, March 2013.
International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, July 2012.
Public Economic Theory, Bloomington, June 2011.
Canadian Economic Theory Conference, Vancouver, May 2011.
Midwest Economic Theory, MWIEG Spring Meeting, May 2010.
Second Transatlantic Theory Workshop, Evanston, September 2009.
First Transatlantic Theory Workshop, Paris, September 2008.
Game Theory Society Third World Congress, Evanston, July 2008.
Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting, Pittsburgh, June 2008.
ASSA Meetings, Chicago, January 2007.
Economic Science Association, 2006 North American Meeting, Tucson, September 2006.
Lee Center Sixth Annual Workshop on Advanced Networking, Pasadena, May 2006.
Southern Economic Association, 75th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2005.
SISL Workshop, Laguna Beach, October 2005.
Workshop on Informational Herding Behavior, Copenhagen, September 2005.
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Vigo, July 2005.
Lee Center Fifth Annual Workshop on Advanced Networking, Pasadena, May 2005.
Third Lake Arrowhead Conference on Human Complex Systems, May 2005.
ASSA Meetings, Philadelphia, January 2005.
Second Workshop on the Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, Boston, June 2004.
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Rhodes, June 2003.
Inequality: Measurement, Interpretation, and Policy (MIP) Conference on Segregation, Chicago, February 2013.
Social Networks and Peer Effects: Theory and Applications (in memory of Toni Calvo-Armengol), Barcelona, May 2008.
Random Matching and Network Formation Conference, U. of Kentucky, October 2006.
Toulouse Summer Institute on Economics and Psychology, June 2005
American Economic Review, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Social Choice and Welfare, Theory and Decision, Theoretical Economics.
Outside Activities
Consultant, Lieberman Research Worldwide, December 2012.
SISL/IST Fellowship, California Institute of Technology, 2004-2005 & 2005-2006.
Institute Fellowship, California Institute of Technology, 2001-2002.
Outstanding Economics Major Award, University of Virginia, May 2001.
Chicago Tribune, “The Mathematics of Friendship,” March 6, 2007.
The Globe and Mail, “Social Studies,” March 16, 2007.
IDG New Service (Computerworld), “Serving up a pressure test,” August 11, 2011.