Welcome to the WashU

Biochemistry & Biophysics community


The WashU Biochemistry & Biophysics Community seeks to foster a friendly and collaborative environment, bridge interdepartmental gaps, and provide a platform for discussions of new ideas and data within the community.


Develop a sense of community among scientists in the fields of biochemistry and biophysics

Create programs and initiatives to foster a welcoming and collaborative community

Create a network of scientists in the fields of biochemistry and biophysics at Washington University in St. Louis and beyond

Advance and enhance the educational and personal development of individuals within the community

News / Upcoming Events

Events are held in McDonnell Sciences Building, Room 264 (BMB department seminar room), unless otherwise specified.


Cookies & Tea Time

February 25, 2025 to September 16, 2025
Every Tue
2:00 pm
201 McDonnell Sciences, BMB Breakroom
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