Our publications include:

Spinal interneurons: diversity and connectivity in motor control
Sengupta M & Bagnall MW. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2023.

Clonally related, Notch-differentiated spinal neurons integrate into distinct circuits
Bello-Rojas S & Bagnall MW. eLife (2022)

Organization of the gravity-sensing system in zebrafish
Liu Z, Hildebrand DGC, Morgan JL, Jia Y, Slimmon N, Bagnall MW. Nature Communications (2022)

Spinal V1 neurons inhibit motor targets locally and sensory targets distally
Sengupta M, Daliparthi V, Roussel Y, Bui T, Bagnall MW (2021) Current Biology 31; 3820-33

Central vestibular tuning arises from patterned convergence of otolith afferents (PDF)
Liu Z, Kimura Y, Higashijima S-I, Hildebrand DGC, Morgan JL, Bagnall MW (2020) Neuron 108:748-62.

Spinal V2b neurons reveal a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control
Callahan RA, Roberts R, Sengupta M, Kimura Y, Higashijima SI, Bagnall MW (2019) eLife 5: e47837.

Delayed Otolith Development Does Not Impair Vestibular Circuit Formation in Zebrafish (PDF)
Roberts R, Elsner J, Bagnall MW. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2017 Mar 22;PubMed PMID: 28332011.

Systematic shifts in the balance of excitation and inhibition coordinate the activity of axial motor pools at different speeds of locomotion (PDF)
Kishore S, Bagnall MW, McLean DL. J Neurosci. 2014 Oct 15;34(42):14046-54.

Modular organization of axial microcircuits in zebrafish (PDF)
Bagnall MW, McLean DL. Science. 2014 Jan 10;343(6167):197-200.

Motor control: spinal circuits help tadpoles see clearly (PDF)
Bagnall MW, McLean DL. Curr Biol. 2012 Sep 25;22(18):R796-7.

Multiple types of cerebellar target neurons and their circuitry in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (PDF)
Shin M, Moghadam SH, Sekirnjak C, Bagnall MW, Kolkman KE, et al. J Neurosci. 2011 Jul 27;31(30):10776-86.

Multiple clusters of release sites formed by individual thalamic afferents onto cortical interneurons ensure reliable transmission (PDF)
Bagnall MW, Hull C, Bushong EA, Ellisman MH, Scanziani M. Neuron. 2011 Jul 14;71(1):180-94.

Bidirectional plasticity gated by hyperpolarization controls the gain of postsynaptic firing responses at central vestibular nerve synapses (PDF)
McElvain LE, Bagnall MW, Sakatos A, du Lac S. Neuron. 2010 Nov 18;68(4):763-75.

Glycinergic projection neurons of the cerebellum (PDF)
Bagnall MW, Zingg B, Sakatos A, Moghadam SH, Zeilhofer HU, et al. J Neurosci. 2009 Aug 12;29(32):10104-10.

Frequency-independent synaptic transmission supports a linear vestibular behavior (PDF)
Bagnall MW, McElvain LE, Faulstich M, du Lac S. Neuron. 2008 Oct 23;60(2):343-52.

Transgenic mouse lines subdivide medial vestibular nucleus neurons into discrete, neurochemically distinct populations (PDF)
Bagnall MW, Stevens RJ, du Lac S. J Neurosci. 2007 Feb 28;27(9):2318-30.

A new locus for synaptic plasticity in cerebellar circuits (PDF)
Bagnall MW, du Lac S. Neuron. 2006 Jul 6;51(1):5-7.
For a complete list of publications, please see Pubmed.