SERVICE | Cost/Unit |
Consultation: Study Planning, Resources and Services | No Cost |
Behavioral Phenotyping | 90 / Hour |
Statistical and Graphical Analysis | 90 / Hour |
Equipment and Space Reservation | 45 / Hour |
Behavioral Phenotyping Training | 90 / Hour |
Home-cage Device Rental (Kravitz, Creed) | Custom |
Telemetric Biobehavioral Sensor System | Custom |
We recently increased our rates to $90/hour on January 1, 2023 to accommodate equipment updates and competitive salaries for our personnel as we work to expand, modernize, and advance the services we offer. Part of our modernization goal is to increase the throughput of many of our assays to reduce labor costs. Please see our Funding Opportunities page for pilot award opportunities.
Estimates provided for upcoming studies with the previous rate structure will still be honored after the January 1, 2023 change. Study estimates are good for one year from date prepared.