1 hr locomotor activity and exploration | Morris Water Maze (Reversal) |
24/48 hour Activity monitoring | Morris Water Maze (Standard) |
Accelerating Rotarod | MouseRat Home Cage Monitoring |
Acoustic Startle/Prepulse Inhibition | Neonatal Motor Assessments |
Activity Wheel & Complex Wheel | Novel Object Location |
Balance Beam | Novel Object Recognition |
Barnes Maze | Novel Object Recognition – Tactile |
CatWalk | Observational Fear Learning |
Cohort check in, weights, physical exam | Open Field |
Conditioned Fear | Reactivity to Handling |
Developmental Assessment Assays | Resident Intruder |
DigiGait | Rotarod |
Elevated Plus Maze | Self Grooming Test |
Forced Swim Test | Sensorimotor Battery |
Full Developmental DigiGait with 2 adult speeds | Shock Sensitivity |
Grip Strength | Small Force Plate Actometer |
Holeboard Exploration and Odor Preference – Autism RBB Protocol | Social Approach MOUSE (3-chambered task) |
Holeboard Exploration and Odor Preference Short – Social/Non-Social | Social Approach RAT (3-chambered task) |
Home Cage FED3 Feeding Behavior | Spontaneous Alternation Y-Maze |
Home Cage Sipper Sucrose Preference | Surface Righting Reflex |
Juvenile Rat Ultrasonic Vocalization Recordings | Swim Test |
Large Force Plate Actometer | Tail Suspension Test |
Light/Dark Box | Tube Test for Social Dominance |
Marble Burying | von Frey Tactile Sensitivity |
Maternal Isolation-Induced Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations | Virtual Optomotor System (VOS, Acuity and Contrast) |