Graduate Students
Matt Abel, Anthropology. Rural development, political anthropology, agrarian social movements in US and Brazil. Dissertation research on agricultura familiar and politics of developmentalism in the Brazilian Amazon. Amazon developments: the impacts of public policy on rural social organization in Brazil’s Amazon estuary.
James Babbitt, Anthropology. Robotics, dairy industry, Netherlands.
Lauren Crossland-Marr, Anthropology. My dissertation research focuses on food certifications in Milan, Italy: a halal certification label and a Made in Italy label. Both labels target global consumption and guarantee purity and origin, but halal certifications seek to incorporate standards based on interpretations of the Koran and the Hadith. To understand these seemingly different approaches I compare how business people merge ethical and moral concerns with global market standards.
Rebecca Dudley (Fall 2019), Anthropology. United States farmers and farm-related government actors. Conceptions of space and time, capitalistic production, relationships with the environment.
Kate Farley, Anthropology. Appalachia, wild plant gathering, Third Party Certifications.
Bradley Jones, Anthropology. Food studies, neo-agrarian movements, American agriculture. Founding editor of the Graduate Journal of Food Studies, past President of the Graduate Association for Food Studies. Current research is “Cultivating Skill, Growing Knowledge: A Comparative Study of Skilling Institutions in U.S. Alternative Agriculture” (funded by NSF and Wenner-Gren).
Meredith Kelling, English Literature. Material conditions shaping the writing of working class women and women of color in the American twentieth century; non-literary texts, such as cookbooks and memoirs; renderings of feminized labor, including cooking, cleaning, and childrearing; ways in which consumption of the foods and services of women of color both produce material intimacies between races and serve to underscore race and gender hierarchies in unexpected ways.
Emmanuelle Ricaud-Oneto (Fall 2019 T.A.F. student), Anthropology, food studies, ethnobiology. Reconfiguration of indigenous food systems in Peruvian Amazon in the context of school meals program; incidence on local knowledge and food practices; articulation between food sovereignty and indigenous food systems; food effects on bodies seen from indigenous conceptions.
Burning Kumqwat campus farm
Simple Syrup food magazine