Upcoming Talks

all on zoom at htttps://wustl.zoom.us/j/91506560122

(passcode available from department emails, or ask Brad or Glenn)


4 April: SUPERALIMENTOS. Matt Abel (Wash U) and Emma McDonnell (Univ Tenn) on “superfoods” with case studies of acai and quinoa.

18 April: WILD SANG. Kate Farley (Wash U and MOBOT) uses her ethnography of Appalachian ginseng to explore the nature of wildness.

Drawing lessons from both the artisan production and importation of raw-milk cheeses in the United States — plus a Covid-19 note on how a non-foodborne microbial threat reconfigured the food industry — Heather Paxson (MIT) reflects on how the governance of (human) social life must try to take microbial life into account.

Eating While Black

New work by Psyche Williams-Forson (Univ. of Maryland) and Rafia Zafar (WUSTL) on African American food, identity, stigma and respect

March 7, 4-5:15pm

On zoom at htttps://wustl.zoom.us/j/91506560122

Academic Pastoral

In 2015 Sweet Brian College announced it was closing, but its alumnae rose and brought in a new president who is remaking the college around sustainable food and farming. Director Lisa Powell tells the remarkable story of what is unfolding. Kenyon College has had its own farm for over 25 years. How has its sustainable agriculture program been sustained? What impact has it had?

March 21, 4-5:15

On zoom at htttps://wustl.zoom.us/j/91506560122

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