– Ancient origin of the rod bipolar cell pathway in the vertebrate retina
Hellevik A.M.*, Mardoum P*, Hahn J*, Kölsch Y., D’Orazi F.D., Suzuki S.C., Godinho L., Lawrence O., Rieke F., Shekhar K., Sanes J.R., Baier H., Baden T., Wong R.O., Yoshimatsu T.
Nature Ecology and Evolution (2024) 8(6):1165-1179
– New twists in the evolution of retinal direction selectivity (Comment)
Yoshimatsu T., Baden T.
PLoS Biology (2024) 22(2):33002538
– Retinal physiology and circuit specializations for prey capture in fish (Book chapter)
Yoshimatsu T.
Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd Edition) (2024) 147-154
– Setting up a state-of-the-art laboratory in resource limited settings: A case study of the biomedical science research and training centre in Northeast Nigeria
Isah M.B., Muhammad Z., Lawan M.., Alkhamis A.I., Goni B.W., Oakley S.S., Marshall K., Hartig R., Issa Sabi-Abdoul R., Yoshimatsu T., Chagas A.M., Maina M.B.
European Journal of Neuroscience (2024) 59(7):1681-1695
-Amacrine cells differentially balance zebrafish colour circuits in the central and peripheral retina
Wang X., Roberts P., Yoshimatsu T., Lagnado L., Baden T.
Cell Report (2023) 42(2):112055
– The developmental progression of eight opsin spectral signals recorded from the zebrafish retinal cone layer is altered by the timing and cell type expression of thyroxin receptor β2 (trβ2) gain-of-function transgenes
Nelson R., Balraj A., Suresh T., Elias L.J., Yoshimatsu T., Patterson S.S.
eNeuro (2022) 9(6):ENEURO.0326-22.2022
– Divergent excitation two photon microscopy for 3D random access mesoscale imaging at single cell resolution
Janiak F.K., Bartel P., Bale M., Yoshimatsu T., Komulainen R.H., Zhou M., Staras K., Prieto-Godino L.L., Euler T., Maravall M., Baden T.
Nature Communications (2022) 13:544
– Spectral inference reveals principal cone-integration rules of the zebrafish inner retina
Bartel P., Yoshimatsu T., Janiak F.K., Baden T.
Current Biology (2021) S0960-9822(21)01287-2
– Notch-mediated re-specification of neuronal identity during central nervous system development
Engerer P., Petridou E., Williams P.R., Suzuki S.C., Yoshimatsu T., Portugues R., Misgeld T., Godinho L.
Current Biology (2021) S0960-9822(21)01185-4
– Distinct synaptic transfer functions in same-type photoreceptors
Schröder C., Oesterle J., Berens P.§, Yoshimatsu T. §, Baden T. §
eLife (2021) 10:e67851
(§: co-corresponding authors)
– Ancestral circuits for vertebrate colour vision emerge at the first retinal synapse
Yoshimatsu T., Bartel P., Schröder C., Janiak F.K., St-Pierre F., Berens P., Baden T.
Science Advances (2021) 7(24):eabj6815
– A high-density narrow-field inhibitory retinal interneuron with direct coupling to Müller glia
Grimes W.N., Göz Aytörk D., Hoon M., Yoshimatsu T., Gamlin C., Carrera D., Nath A., Nadal-Nicolas F.M., Ahlquist R.M., Sabnis A., Berson D.M., Diamond J.S., Wong R.O., Cepko C., Rieke F.
J. Neurosci. (2021) doi:
– Spherical arena reveals optokinetic response tuning to stimulus location, size and frequency across entire visual field of larval zebrafish
Dehmelt F.A., Meier R., Hinz J., Yoshimatsu T., Simacek C.A., Huang R., Wang K., Baden T., Arrenberg A.B
eLife (2021) 10:e63355
– Fovea-like photoreceptor specialisations underlie single UV-cone driven prey capture behaviour in zebrafish
Yoshimatsu T. §, Schröder C., Nevala N.E., Berens P., Baden T.§
Neuron (2020) 107(2):320-337
(§: co-corresponding authors)
– Conditional and biased regeneration of cone photoreceptor types in the zebrafish retina
D’Orazi F.D., Suzuki S.C., Darling N., Wong R.O. §, Yoshimatsu T. §
Journal of Comparative Neurology (2020) 528:2816-2830
(§: co-corresponding authors)
– Zebrafish retinal ganglion cells asymmetrically encode spectral and temporal information across visual space
Zhou M. *, Dear J. *, Roberts P.A., Janiak F.K., Semmelhack J., Yoshimatsu T., Baden T.
Current Biology (2020) 30(5):2927-2942
– Thyroid hormone receptor beta mutations alter photoreceptor development and function in Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Deveau C., Jiao X., Suzuki S.C., Krishnakumar A., Yoshimatsu T., Hejtmancik J.F., Nelson R.F.
PLoS Genetics (2020) 16(6):e1008869
– Zebrafish differentially process colour across visual space to match natural scenes
Zimmermann M.J.Y.*, Nevala N.E.*, Yoshimatsu T.*, Osorio D., Nilsson D.E., Berens P., Baden T.
Current Biology (2018) 28(13):2018-2032
(*: co-first authors) Note: Featured article
– α2δ-4 Is Required for the Molecular and Structural Organization of Rod and Cone Photoreceptor Synapses
Kerov V., Laird J.G., Joiner M.L., Knecht S., Soh D., Hagen J., Gardner S.H., Gutierrez W., Yoshimatsu T., Bhattarai S., Puthussery T., Artemyev N.O., Drack A.V., Wong R.O., Baker S.A., Lee A.
Journal of Neuroscience (2018) 38(27): 6145-6160
– Stimulation of functional neuronal regeneration from Müller glia in adult mice
Jorstad N.L., Wilken M.S., Grimes W.N., Wohl S.G., VandenBosch L.S., Yoshimatsu T., Wong R.O., Rieke F., Reh T.A.
Nature (2017) 548(7665): 103-107
– Uncoupling of neurogenesis and differentiation during retinal development
Engerer P., Suzuki S.C., Yoshimatsu T., Chapauton P., Obeng N., Odermatt B., Williams P.R., Misgeld T., Godhinho L
EMBO Journal (2017) 36(9): 1134-1146
– Mismatch of synaptic patterns between neurons produced in regeneraitona and deruign development of the vertebrate retina
D’Orazi F.D., Zhao X.F., Wong R.O.*, Yoshimatsu T.*
Current Biology (2016) 26(17): 2268-2279
(*: co-corresponding authors) Note: Featured article
– Development of synaptic input patterns on dendrites of retinal neurons (Book chapter)
D’Orazi F.D., Yoshimatsu T.
Dendrites: development and disease (2016) 4890522
– Glutamatergic monopolar interneurons provide a novel pathway of excitation in the mouse retina
Della Santina L.*, Kuo S.P.*, Yoshimatsu T.*, Okawa H., Suzuki S.C., Hoon M., Tsuboyama K., Rieke F., Wong R.O.
Current Biology (2016) 26(15): 2070-2077 (*: co-first authors)
– Presynaptic partner selection during retinal circuit reassembly varies with timing of neuronal regeneration in vivo
Yoshimatsu T., D’Orazi F.D., Gamlin C.R., Suzuki S.C., Suli A., Kimelman D., Raible D.W., Wong R.O.
Nature Communications (2016) 7: Article number 10590
– Müller glia provide essential tensile strength to the developing retina
MacDonald R.B., Randlett O., Oswald J., Yoshimatsu T., Franze K., Harris W.A.
Journal of Cell Biology (2015) 10(7):1075-83.
– CentrinFish permit the visualization of centrosome dynamics in a cellular context in vivo
Engerer P., Yoshimatsu T., Suzuki S.C., Godinho L.
Zebrafish (2014) 11(6): 586-587.
– Illuminating the multifaceted roles of neurotransmission in shaping neuronal circuitry (Review)
Okawa H.*, Hoon M.*, Yoshimatsu T., Della Santina L., Wong R.O.
Neuron (2014) 83(6): 1303-1318.
– Transmission from the dominant input shapes the stereotypic ratio of photoreceptor inputs onto horizontal cells
Yoshimatsu T.*, Williams P.R.*, D’Orazi F.D., Suzuki S.C., Fadool J.M., Allison W.T., Raymond P.A., Wong R.O.
Nature Communications (2014) 5: Article number 3699.
(*: co-first authors)
– Cellular requirements for building a retinal neuropil
Randlett O.*, MacDonald R.B.*, Yoshimatsu T., Almeida A.D., Suzuki S.C., Wong R.O., Harris W.A.
Cell Reports (2013) 3(2): 282-90.
(*: co-first authors)
– Circuit Assembly in the Developing Vertebrate Retina (Book chapter)
Yoshimatsu T., Suzuki S.C., Wong R.O.
Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections (2013) 687-711.
– In vivo development of outer retinal synapses in the absence of glial contact
Williams P.R., Suzuki S.C., Yoshimatsu T., Lawrence O.T., Waldron S.J., Parsons M.J., Nonet M.L., Wong R.O.
Journal of Neuroscience (2010) 30, 11951-11961.
– Selection of differentiating cells by different levels of delta-like 1 among neural precursor cells in the developing mouse telencephalon
Kawaguchi D., Yoshimatsu T., Hozumi K., Gotoh Y.
Development (2008) 135, 3849-3858.
– Non-cell-autonomous action of STAT3 in maintenance of neural precursor cells in the mouse neocortex
Yoshimatsu T., Kawaguchi D., Oishi K., Takeda K., Akira S., Masuyama N., Gotoh Y.
Development (2006) 133, 2553-2563.
– Hes binding to STAT3 mediates crosstalk between Notch and JAK-STAT signalling
Kamakura, S., Oishi, K., Yoshimatsu, T., Nakafuku, M., Masuyama, N., Gotoh, Y.
Nature Cell Biology (2004) 6, 547-554.
– Notch promotes survival of neural precursor cells via mechanisms distinct from those regulating neurogenesis
Oishi K., Kamakura S., Isazawa Y., Yoshimatsu T., Kuida K., Nakafuku M., Masuyama N., Gotoh Y.
Developmental Biology (2004) 276, 172-184.