We are recruiting lab members!

Our lab’s goal is to gain deeper understanding of the function of enhancers in placenta and skeletal development, diseases, and evolution through mouse in vivo functional characterization, such as transgenic/knockout mice models and in vivo Massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs).

We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic lab member interested in the following research topics:

– Preeclampsia and abnormal pregnancies

– Craniofacial birth defects 

– Bat wing development

– Development of mouse in vivo enhancer assays 

Graduate student positions

We are seeking motivated graduate students from one of the 12 graduate programs within the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences. Please contact Aki to discuss potential rotation projects.

Undergraduate positions

We welcome undergraduate students who want to pursue their research in either graduate or medical school. Please send your CV and a research statement describing your interests and experiences. Generic emails will not be answered.