Oct 2023

Tony is awarded the Edward Mallinckrodt Foundation New Investigator Award

Sep 2023

Our graduate student Wyndham Ferris is awarded the Viktor Hamburger Best Talk Award from our Developmental Biology Department Retreat

Sep 2023

The lab is awarded the National Institute of General Medical Science (NIGMS) Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA)

July 2023

Two graduate students, Chen-Hao (Plus) Chiu, and Eric Upton, joined the lab! We’re excited to double our pool of graduate students!

Jun-July 2023

The lab has a strong presence at summer conferences! Tony gave an oral presentation at the Gordon Research Conference of Cell Contact and Adhesion, Physics of Life Conference in Dresden. Tony and Chia-Teng both presented at the International Zebrafish Conference in Krakow, Poland. Maddie gave an oral presentation at the Society of Developmental Biology symposium while Wyndham and Chia-Teng presented their posters.

Jun 2023

Tony is awarded the Pew Biomedical Scholar Award!

Sep 2022

Our technician Maddie won the Viktor Hamburger Best Talk Award from our Developmental Biology Department Retreat

July 2022

Tsai lab welcomes two new PhD students!! Chia-Teng and Wyndham joined the lab in July 2022! Chia-Teng will also be a joint student with the Solnica-Krezel lab.

Tsai lab is sharing our most recent research in two conferences. Tony is giving a talk at the Gordon Conference in Signaling of Adhesion Receptor in Manchster, NH, while Maddie is presenting her poster at the Society of Developmental Biology Conference at Vancouver.

May 2022

Tony is giving a talk at the Midwest Regional Zebrafish Meeting at Columbus, Ohio, our first in-person meeting presentation since the lab started!!

Apr 2022

Plus accepted the offer from WUSTL DBBS!! He will start as an incoming PhD student at the DRSCB program in September 2022. We’re all very excited that Plus get to stay in St. Louis for his PhD study!!

Aug 2021

Tsai lab welcomes our third member! Chen-Hao (Plus) Chiu will be visiting the lab for a year through an exchange program with Kao-Hsiung Medical University! Welcome Plus!

Mar 2021

Our lab microscope, the Zeiss LSM980, is up and running!

Feb 2021

Our lab space is ready! We moved into McDonnell Medical Science Building Room 333.

Jan 2021

The Tsai lab officially started at the Department of Developmental Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. We welcome Maddie as the first member of the lab!