Prepared by Timothy Moore, Department of Classics, Washington University in St. Louis
See also, for works published since 2000, De Musicis, the bibliography of MOISA: The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage
On the Web
- MOISA: International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage
- Musikarchäologie, by Helmut Brand
- William Johnson on Two New Musical Papyri
- Selected Bibliography by Nancy Sultan
- Ancient Greek Music at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Alan Wood: Ancient Greek Musical Notation in Unicode
- International Study Group on Music Archaeology
- Georg Danek and Stefan Hagel on Homeric Singing
- Neuman, Philip. 1995. “The Aulos and Drama: A Performer’s Viewpoint.” Didaskalia 2.
- Recordings of Songs from Plautus
- Philomusica On-Line 7.2: Proceedings of the 2008 meeting of MOISA
- Glau, Katherina. 1998. Rezitation griechischer Chorlyrik : die Parodoi aus Aischylos’ Agamemnon und Euripides’ Bakchen als Tonbeispiel auf CD mit Text- und Begleitheft. Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag C. Winter.
- Maioli, Walter. 1996. Synaulia: Music From Ancient Rome. Vol. 1: Wind Instruments. CD. Amiata Records.
- Maioli, Walter. 2002. Synaulia: Music From Ancient Rome. Vol. 2: String Instruments. CD. Amiata Records.
- Maioli, Walter. 2003. The Etruscan Flutes. CD. Il Centro del Suono.
- Neuman, Gayle Stuwe and Philip Neuman. 1999. Music of the Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians & Greeks. CD. Pandorion Records.
- Neuman, Gayle Stuwe, Philip Neuman, and William Gavin. 1997. Music of the Ancient Greeks, ensemble De Organographia. CD. Pandourion Records.
Books and Articles
General Works
Greece and Rome
- Bélis, Annie 1999. Les Musiciens dans l’Antiquité. Paris: Hachette.
- Birchler Emery, P. et al. 1996. La musique et la danse dans l’antiquité. Geneva: Unité d’archéologie classique, University of Geneva.
- Comotti, Giovanni. 1989. Music in Greek and Roman Culture. Baltimore: Johns Hopkinis University Press.
- Hall, Edith. 2002. “The Singing Actors of Antiquity,” in Greek and Roman Actors: Aspects of an Ancient Profession, edd. Pat Easterling and Edith Hall. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-38.
- Landels, John G. 1999. Music in Ancient Greece and Rome. London: Routledge.
- Anderson, Warren D. 1994. Music and Musicians in Ancient Greece. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
- Barker, Andrew. 2007. The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Gentili, Bruno and Franca Perusino (edd.) 1995. Mousike: Metrica ritmica e musica greca in memoria di Giovanni Comotti. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.
- Gentili, Bruno and Roberto Pretagostini (edd.). 1998. La musica in Grecia. Bari: Laterza.
- Goldhill, Simon and Robin Osborne (edd.). 1999. Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Hagel, Stefan and Christine Harrauer (edd.). 2005. Ancient Greek Music in Performance. Symposion Wien 29. Sept. – 1. Okt. 2003. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.
- Hagel, Stefan. 2010. Ancient Greek Music: A New Technical History. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Henderson, Isobel. 1957. “Ancient Greek Music,” in Ancient and Oriental Music, ed. Ego Wellesz. New Oxford History of Music, Vol. 1, pp. 336-403. London: Oxford University Press.
- Martinelli, Maria (ed.). 2009. La Musa dimenticata. Aspetti dell’esperienza musicale greca in età ellenistica. Pisa: Edizione della Scuola Normale.
- Mathiesen, Thomas J. 1999. Apollo’s Lyre: Greek Music and Music Theory in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Meriani, Angelo. 2003. Sulla Musica Greca Antica: Studi e Ricerche. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità. Salerno: Università degli Studi di Salerno.
- Monro, David Binning. 1894. The Modes of Ancient Greek Music. Oxford: Clarendon.
- Murray, Penelope and Peter Wilson (edd.). 2004. Music and the Muses: The Culture of ‘Mousike’ in the Classical Athenian City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Pinault, Georges-Jean (ed.). 2001. Musique et poésie dans l’antiquité: actes du colloque de Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, 23 mai 1997. Clermont-Ferrand : Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal.
- Wegner, Max. 1949. Das Musikleben der Griechen. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- West, M.L. 1992. Ancient Greek Music. Oxford: Clarendon.
- Winnington-Ingram, R. P. 1936. Mode in Ancient Greek Music. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Abert, Hermann. 1922. “Die Musik,” in Ludwig Friedländer, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von Augustus bis zum Ausgang der Antonine. 10th edition, besorgt von Georg Wissowa. Vol. 2. Leipzig: Hirzel, pp. 163-190.
- Baudot, Alain. 1973. Musiciens romains de l’antiquité. Montreal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
- Grimal, Pierre. 1978. Le lyrisme à Rome. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Horsfall, Nicholas. 2003. The Culture of the Roman Plebs. London: Duckworth.
- Mountford, James. 1964. “Music and the Romans.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 47: 198-211.
- Péché, Valérie and Christopher Vendries. 2001. Musique et spectacles à Rome et dans l’Occident romain sous la République et le Haut-empire. Paris: Errance.
- Scoditti, Francesco. 2009. Solisti ed e esecutori nella cultura musicale romana. Lecce: Congedo.
- Wille, Günther. 1967. Musica Romana: Die Bedeutung der Musik im Leben der Römer. Amsterdam: Verlag P. Schippers N.V.
Texts and Documents
- Barker, Andrew. 1984. Greek Musical Writings. Vol I: The Musician and his Art. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Barker, Andrew. 1989. Greek Musical Writings. Vol II: Harmonic and Acoustic Theory. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Burette, M. (transl.). (1735). Dialogue de Plutarque sur la musique. Paris: “L’Imprimerie Royale. Repr. Geneva, Minkoff, 1973.
- Goode, Helen Dill and Gertrude C. Drake (transl.). 1980. Cassiodorus Institutiones. Book II. Chapter V; Isidore of Seville Book III. Chapters 15-23 / Isidore of Seville. Colorado Springs : Colorado College Music Press.
- Gamberini, Leopoldo (ed. and comm.). 1979. Plutarco “Della musica.” Florence: Olschki.
- Greaves, Denise Davidson (ed.). 1986. Sextus Empiricus, Against the Musicians. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press.
- Jacobsson, Martin (ed. and transl.). 2002. Aurelius Augustinus. De musica liber VI. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Latina Stockholmensis 47. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
- Jan, Karl von. 1895. Musici scriptores Graeci. Leipzig: Teubner.
- Pearson, Lionel. 1990. Aristoxenus Elementa Rhythmica. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Weil, Henri, and Th. Reinach (ed. and comm.). 1900. Plutarque, De la musique. Paris: Leroux.
- Winnington-Ingram, R.P. 1963. Aristides Quintilianus. De musica libri tres. Leipzig: Teubner.
Extant Melodies
- Pöhlmann, Egert. 1970. Denkmäler altgriechischer Musik: Sammlung, Übertragung und Erläuterung aller Fragmente und Fälschungen. Nuremberg: Carl.
- Pöhlmann, Egert, and Martin L. West, edd. 2001. Documents of Ancient Greek Music: The Extant Melodies and Fragments. Oxford: Clarendon Press (=DAGM).
Individual documents and studies
- Bélis, Annie. 2001. “Esthétique musicale du péan à travers l’exemple des Hymnes delphiques à Apollon,” in Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Actes du colloque des 16, 17 et 18 décembre 1999 (Rennes et Lorient), edd. Pierre Brulé and Christophe Vendres. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 97-114.
- Bélis, Annie. 2004. “Un papyrus musical inédit au Louvre.” Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres: 1305-1329.
- Cosgrove, Charles H. and Mary C. Meyer. 2006. “Melody and Word Accent Relationships in Ancient Greek Musical Documents: The Pitch Height Rule.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 126: 66-81.
- Gammacurta, Tatiana. 2006. Papyrologica scaenica: I copioni teatrali nella tradizione papiracea. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso.
- Giacomelli, Corrado. 2003. “Problema del rapporto fra ritmo metrico e ritmo musicale negli scoli agli inni di Mesomede.” Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 45.1: 93-109.
- Hagel, Stefan. 2000. Modulation in altgriechischer Musik: Antike Melodien in Licht antiker Musiktheorie. Frankfurt: Lang.
- Huys, Marc. 1993. “P.Oxy.LIII 3705: A Line from Menander’s ‘Periceiromene’ with Musical Notation.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 99: 30-32.
- Johnson, William A. 2000. “Musical Evenings in the Early Empire: New Evidence from a Greek Papyrus with Musical Notation.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 120: 57-85.
- Schröder, Stephan. 1999. “Zwei Überlegungen zu den Liedern vom Athenerschatzhaus in Delphi.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 128: 65-75.
- West, M.L. 1999. “Sophocles with Music? Ptolemaic Music Fragments and Remains of Sophocles (Junior?), Achilleus.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 126: 43-65.
Aspects of Song
Singing and Speaking
- Allen, Walter, Jr. 1972. “Ovid’s cantare and Cicero’s cantores Euphorionis.” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 103: 1-14.
- Campbell, David A. 1964. “Flutes and Elegiac Couplets.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 84: 63-68.
- Christ, Wilhelm. 1875. “Die Parakataloge im griechischen und römischen Drama.” Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der Königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 13. 3: 155-222.
- Dangel, Jacqueline. 1989a. “Diverbia et cantica chez Accius: versification et diction dramatique.” Revue des Études Latines 67: 191-212.
- Dangel, Jacqueline. 1989b. “Oratio vincta et Oratio numerosa dans les vers iambo-trochaïques d’Accius.” Euphrosyne 17: 63-85.
- Dangel, Jacqueline. 1992a. “La retractatio dans la tragédie republicaine romaine.” Pallas 38: 313-326.
- Dangel, Jacqueline. 1992b. “Théâtre latin: un récital vocal.” Ktema: Civilisations de l’orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antique 17: 17-28.
- Dangel, Jacqueline. 1993. “Les réécritures de la métrique grecque dans les tragédies d’Accius: des indices de diction?” Revue des Études Latines 71: 55-72.
- Gentili, Bruno. 1960. “Paracataloghè.” In Enciclopedia dello Spettacolo VII. Rome: Le Maschere, pp. 1599-1601.
- Habinek, Thomas. 1998b. “Singing, Speaking, Making, Writing: Classical Alternatives to Literature and Literary Studies.” Stanford Humanities Review 6.1: 65-75.
- Habinek, Thomas. 2005. The World of Roman Song: From Ritualized Speech to Social Order. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Jahn, Otto. 1867b. “Wie wurden die Oden des Horatius vorgetragen?” Hermes 2: 418-433.
- Lenchantin, M. 1944-1945. “Meletemata metrica.” Athenaeum 22-23: 72-97.
- Moore, Timothy J. 2008. “Parakataloge: Another Look,” Philomusica 7:) 143-152 (
- Nagy, Gregory. 1990. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of the Epic Past. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Perusino, Franca. 1966. “Il problema della paracataloghé nei tetrametri giambici catalettici della commedia greca.” Quaderni Urbinati della Cultura Classica 1: 9-14.
- Pretagostini, Roberto. 1976. “Dizione e canto nei dimetri anapestici di Aristofane.” Studi Classici e Orientali 25: 183-212.
- White, John Williams. 1912. The Verse of Greek Comedy. London.
- Wille, Günther. 1961. “Singen und Sagen in der Dichtung des Horaz,” in Eranion: Festschrift für Hildebrecht Hommel. Tübingen: Niemeyer, pp. 169-184.
- Zielinski, Th. 1885. Die Gliederung der altattischen Komoedie. Leipzig: Teubner.
The Voice
- Armstrong, David, and Ann Ellis Hanson. 1986. “Two Notes on Greek Tragedy.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London 33: 97-102.
- Biehle, Herbert. 1929. “Die antike Stimmkunst.” Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 23: 275-285.
- Bukofzer, M. 1903. “Zur Hygiene des Tonansatzes unter Berücksichtigung moderner und alter Gesangsmethoden.” Archiv für Laryngologie und Rhinologie 15: 185-216.
- Halliwell, Stephen. 1990. “The Sounds of the Voice in Old Comedy,” in ‘Owls to Athens’: Essays on Classical Subjects Presented to Sir Kenneth Dover, ed. E.M. Craik. Oxford: Clarendon, pp. 69-79.
- Kaimio, Maarit. 1977. Characterization of Sound in Early Greek Literature. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 53. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
- Krumbacher, Armin. 1921. Die Stimmbildung der Redner im Altertum bis auf die Zeit Quintilians. Paderborn: Schöningh.
- Müller-Heuser, Franz. 1997. Vox humana: Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Stimmästhetik des Mittelalters. Kassel: Bosse.
- Pavlovskis, Zoja. 1977. “The Voice of the Actor in Greek Tragedy.” Classical World 71: 113-123.
- Schmidt-Colinet, Constanze. 2002. “Sänger im Alten Orient und in Griechenland: Musiker am neuassyrischen Hof,” in Studien zur Musikarchäologie III, edd. Hickmann, Ellen, Anne D. Kilmer, and Ricardo Eichmann. Rahden: Leidorf, pp. 599-615.
- Schuol, Monika. 2002. “Sänger und Gesang in den homerischen Epen. Frühgriechische Musik vor dem Hintergrund altanatolischer Tradition,” in Studien zur Musikarchäologie III, edd. Hickmann, Ellen, Anne D. Kilmer, and Ricardo Eichmann. Rahden: Leidorf, pp. 429-439.
- Vetta, Massimo. 1993. “La voce degli attori nel teatro attico,” in Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da omero all’età ellenistica: Scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili vol. II, ed. Roberto Pretagostini. Rome: Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, pp. 703-718.
- Allen, William Sidney. 1973. Accent and Prosody: Prosodic Features of Latin and Greek: A Study in Theory and Reconstruction. Cambridge, Eng: Cambridge University Press.
- Amsel, Georgius. 1887. De vi atque indole rhythmorum quid veteres iudicaverint. Breslauer Philologische Abhandlungen 1.3. Breslau: Koebner.
- Comotti, Giovanni. 1988b. “I problemi dei valori ritmici nell’interpretazione dei testi musicali della Grecia antica,” in La musica in Grecia, edd. Bruno Gentili and Roberto Pretagostini. Bari: Laterza, pp. 17-25.
- Gentili, Bruno and Liana Lomiento. 2003. Metrica e ritmica: Storie delle forme poetiche nella grecia antica. Milan: Mondadori Università. Georgiades, Thrasybulos. 1956. Greek Music, Verse and Dance, translated by Erwin Benedikt and Marie Louise Martinez. New York: Merlin Press.
- Mathiesen, Thomas J. 1985. “Time and Rhythm in Greek Music.” Music Theory Spectrum 7: 159-180.
- Pighi, Giovanni Battista. 1962. “Analisi ritmiche.” Rivista di filologia classica 40: 1-21.
- Pöhlmann, Egert. 1995. “Metrica e ritmica nella poesia e nella musica greca antica,” in Mousike: Metrica ritmica e musica greca in memoria di Giovanni Comotti, edd. Gentili, Bruno and Franca Perusino. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, pp. 3-15.
- Sachs, Kurt. 1953. Rhythm and Tempo: A Study in Music History. New York: Norton.
- Van Raalte, Marlein. 1986. Rhythm and Metre: Towards a Systematic Description of Greek Stichic Verse. Assen/Maastricht, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum.
- Waltz, René. 1948. “RHYTHMOS ET NUMERUS.” Revue des Études Latines 26: 109-120.
- Westphal, Rudolf. 1885. Griechische Rhythmik. 3rd edition. Leipzig: Teubner.
Ictus and Accent
- Beare, William. 1957. Latin Verse and European Song: A Study in Accent and Rhythm. London; Methuen.
- Bennett, Charles E. 1898. “What Was Ictus in Latin Prosody?” American Journal of Philology 19: 361-382.
- Glau, Katherina. 1998. “Notizen zu Nietzsches Deutung von Arsis und Thesis,” in Mousopolos Stephanos: Festschrift für Herwig Görgemanns, edd. Manuel Baumbach, Helga Köhler, and Adolf Martin Ritter. Heidelberg: Winter, pp. 219-234.
- Stroh, Wilfried. 1990. “Arsis und Thesis, oder: Wie hat man die lateinische Verse gesprochen?,” in Musik und Dichtung: Neue Forschungsbeiträge, Viktor Pöschl zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet, edd. Michael von Albrecht and Werner Schubert. Frankfurt: Lang, pp. 87-116.
- Wilkinson, L.P. 1963. Golden Latin Artistry. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Ahl, Frederick. 1991. “Pindar and the Sphinx: Celtic Polyphony and Greek Music,” in Harmonia Mundi: Musica e filosofia nell’antichità: Music and Philosophy in the Ancient World, edd. Robert W. Wallace and Bonnie MacLachlan. Rome: Ateneo, pp. 131-150.
- Barker, Andrew. 1995. “Heterophonia and Poikilia: Accompaniments to Greek Melody,” in Mousike: Metrica ritmica e musica greca in memoria di Giovanni Comotti, edd. Bruno Gentili and Franca Perusino. Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, pp. 41-60.
- Bélis, Annie. 1989. “Les instruments de la Grèce antique: Des vestiges à la reconstruction.” Dossiers d’Archéologie 142: 41-47.
- di Giglio, Anna. 2000. Strumenti delle Muse: Lineamenti di organologia greca. Bari: Levante.
- Huchzermeyer, Helmut. 1930. Aulos und Kithara in der griechischen Musik bis zum Ausgang der klassischen Zeit (nach den literarischen Quellen). Emsdetten: Heinr. & J. Lechte.
- Maas, Martha and Jane McIntosh Snyder. 1989. Stringed instruments of ancient Greece. New Haven : Yale University Press.
- Power, Timothy. 2010. The Culture of Kitharôidia. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
- Vendries, Christophe. 1999. Instruments à cordes et musiciens dans l’Empire romain : étude historique et archéologique (IIe siècle av. J.-C.-Ve siècle ap. J.-C.). Paris : L’Harmattan.
- Wilson, Peter. 2004. “Athenian Strings,” in P. Murray and P. Wilson, edd., Music and the Muses: The Culture of ‘Mousike’ in the Classical Athenian City (Oxford), pp. 269-306.
- Winnington-Ingram, R.P. 1956. “The Pentatonic Tuning of the Greek Lyre: A Theory Examined,” Classical Quarterly 6 169-186.
- Barker, Andrew. 1987. “Text and Sense at Philebus 56a.” Classical Quarterly 37: 103-109.
- Bartholinus, Casparus. 1679. De tibiis veterum et earum antiquo usu libri tres. Editio altera, figuris auctior. Amsterdam: apud J. Henr. Westenium.
- Becker, Heinz. 1966. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Rohrblattinstrumente. Hamburg:Sikorski.
- Bélis, Annie. 1986. “L’aulos phrygien.” Revue Archéologique 1986: 21-40.
- Boetticher, Wolfgang. 1964. “Aulos,” in Konrat Ziegler and Walther Sontheimer (edd.), Der Kleine Pauly. I: Aachen bis Dichalkon. Stuttgart: Druckenmüller, cols. 755-760.
- Carpitella, Diego. 1992. Conversazioni sulla musica (1955-1990): Lezioni, conferenze, trasmissioni radiofoniche, a cura della Società Italiana di Etnomusicologia. Florence: Ponte alle Grazie.
- Hagel, Stefan. 2004. “Calculating Auloi—The Louvre Aulos Scale,” in E. Hickmann and R. Eichmann, edd., Studien zur Musikarchäologie IV (Rahden), pp. 373-390.
- Howard, Albert A. 1893. “The Aulos or tibia.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 4: 1-60.
- Howard, Albert A. 1899. “The Mouth-piece of the Aulos.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 10: 19-22.
- Jannot, Jean Renè. 1974. “L’aulos étrusque.” Antiquitè Classique 43: 118-142.
- McKinnon, James W. and Robert Anderson. 1984. “Aulos,” in The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, ed. Stanley Sadie. I: A-F. London: Macmillan, pp. 85-87.
- Papadopoulou, Zozie, and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge. 2001. “Inventer et réinventer l’aulos: autour de la XXIe Pythique de Pindare,” in Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Actes du colloque des 16, 17 et 18 décembre 1999 (Rennes et Lorient), edd. Pierre Brulé and Christophe Vendres. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 37-58.
- Paulis, Giulio. 1997. “I Romani e le launeddas,” in Launeddas: la storia, lo strumento, i protagonisti, la discografia, ed. Giampaolo Lallai . Cagliari: AM&D; Nuoro: Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico, pp. 222-229.
- Petretto, M. Alessandro. 1993-1994. “L’Aulos.” Sandalion 16-17: 107-124.
- Reinach, Théodore. 1919. “Tibia,” in Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines, edd. Ch. Daremberg and Edm. Saglio. Vol 5: T-Z. Paris: Hachette, pp. 300-332.
- Schlesinger, Kathleen. 1939. The Greek Aulos: A Study of its Mechanism and of its Relation to the Modal System of Ancient Greek Music, followed by A Survey of the Greek Harmoniai in Survival or Rebirth in Folk-Music. London: Methuen.
- Wilson, Peter. 1999. “The aulos in Athens,” in Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy, edd. Simon Goldhill and Robin Osborne. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 58-95.
Auloi/tibiae in art
- Bernadini, Paolo. 1997. “L’aulete di Ittiri,” in Launeddas: la storia, lo strumento, i protagonisti, la discografia, ed. Giampaolo Lallai. Cagliari: AM&D; Nuoro: Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico, pp. 206-209.
- Caldelli, Maria Letizia. 1993. “Ricordo di agoni su un vetro dorato iscritto.” Archeologica Classica 45, 1: 399-407.
- Comotti, Giovanni. 1975. “L’aulo ghingras in una scena menandrea del mosaico di Dioscuride.” Quaderni Urbinati 20: 215-233.
- Perdrizet, R. 1899. “Reliefs Mysiens.” Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 23: 592-599 and Pl. IV.
Extant pipes
- Bélis, Annie. 1981. “Fragments d’auloi,” in L’Antre Corycien II. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Supplément IX. Athens, École Français d’Athènes. Pp. 176-181.
- Bélis, Annie. 1984. “Auloi grecs du Louvre.” Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique 108: 111-122.
- Bélis, Annie. 1988a. “Charnières ou auloi?” Revue Archéologique 1988: 109-118.
- Bélis, Annie. 1988b. “Studying and Dating Ancient Greek auloi and Roman tibiae: A Methodology,” in E. Hickmann and D.W. Hughes, edd., The Archaeology of Early Music Cultures (Bonn, 1988), pp. 233-248.
- Bodley, Nicholas B. 1946. “The Auloi of Meroë.” American Journal of Archaeology 50: 217-240, and plates I-VIII.
- Conze, Alexander. 1902. “Die Kleinfunde aus Pergamon.” Abhandlungen der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1902. Philosophisch-historische Classe, Abhandlung I.
- Dawkins, R.M. 1929. “Objects in Carved Ivory and Bone,” in The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta, ed. R.M. Dawkins. London: MacMillan, pp. 203-248.
- Landels, John G. 1963. “The Brauron Aulos.” The Annual of the British School at Athens 58: 116-119.
- Landels, John G. 1964. “Fragments of Auloi Found in the Athenian Agora.” Hesperia 33: 392-400.
- Landels, John G. 1968. “A Newly Discovered Aulos.” The Annual of the British School at Athens 63: 232-238 and plate 55 .
- Lawson, Graeme, and Angela Wardle. 1991. “A Roman pipe from London.” Antiquities Journal 71: 229-230.
- Loret, M. Victor. 1889. “Les flûtes égyptiennes antiques.” Journal Asiatique 14: 197-237.
- Masaraki, Despina W. 1974. “Ein Aulos der Sammlung Karapanos.” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 89: 105-121, and plates 49-52.
- Olsen, Poul Rovsing. 1966-1967. “An Aulos in The Danish National Museum.” Dansk aarbog for musikforskning 5: 3-9.
- Southgate, T. Lea. 1915. “Ancient Flutes From Egypt.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 35: 12-21.
- Pailler, Jean-Marie. 2001. “Et les aulètes refusèrent de chanter les dieux… (Plutarque, Question Romaine 55),” in Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Actes du colloque des 16, 17 et 18 décembre 1999 (Rennes et Lorient), edd. Pierre Brulé and Christophe Vendres. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 339-348.
- Péché, Valérie. 2001. “Collegium tibicinum romanorum, une association de musicians au service de la religion romaine,” in Chanter les Dieux: Musique et religion dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Actes du colloque des 16, 17 et 18 décembre 1999 (Rennes et Lorient), edd. Pierre Brulé and Christophe Vendres. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 307-338.
- Starr, Chester G. 1978. “An Evening with the Flute-Girls.” La Parola del Passato 183: 401-410.
- Waltzing, Jean-Pierre. 1900. Étude historique sur les corporations professionelles chez les Romains depuis les origines jusqu’à la chute de l’Empire d’Occident. Vol. 4. Louvain: Peeters.
- Bélis, Annie. 1988b. “KROUPEZAI, Scabellum.” Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112: 323-339.
- Théderat, H. 1908. “Scabellum, scabillum,” in Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines, edd. Ch. Daremberg and Edm. Saglio. Vol 4.2. Paris: Hachette, p. 1106.
Other instruments
- Jakob, Friedrich, et al. 2000. Die römische Orgel aus Avenches/Aventicum. Avenches: Association Pro Aventico.
- Markovits, Michael. 2003. Die Orgel im Altertum. Leiden: Brill.
- Salapata, Gina. 2002. “The ‘Apulian Sistrum’. Monotone or Melodic?” in Studien zur Musikarchäologie III, edd. Hickmann, Ellen, Anne D. Kilmer, and Ricardo Eichmann. (Rahden: Leidorf), pp. 415-423.
Music on the Greek Stage
- Graf, Ernst. 1891. “Diaulion.” Rheinisches Museum 46:71-76.
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