Alan’s work involves the application of molecular genetic techniques and statistical population genetics to a variety of evolutionary problems, both basic and applied. He applies evolutionary approaches to clinical genetics, including the study of the genetics of complex diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism and COVID-19. This work also involves the development of new bioinformatic tools at the single-gene to genomic levels. Alan also applies evolutionary genetics to conservation biology, such as the conservation genetics of the federally endangered Hine’s emeral dragonfly and the impact of managed forest fires in the Ozarks upon the genetic population structure of species inhabiting that landscape, such as the Eastern collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris collaris).
In addition, Alan is working on endangered species in Israel and is investigating the impact of human activities upon dispersal in the endangered Wild Ass (Equus hemionis) in the Negev Desert in Southern Israel and in the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmuculata) in Northern Israel.
He is also investigating how the fire salamander adapts at the individual level to diverse environments via changing gene expression profiles. Finally, Alan is interested in basic questions about evolution, such as the meaning of “species” and the mechanisms by which new species evolve, human evolution over the last two million years, the evolutionary impact of non-random mutagenesis at the molecular level upon human adaptability, and the meaning of “race” in humans.
Alan Robert Templeton
Charles Rebstock Professor Emeritus of Biology
Department of Biology, Campus Box 1137
Professor Emeritus, Division of Statistical Genomics
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899, USA
phone 314-935-6868