Welcome to Stan Strembicki’s New Site!
I am a professor emeritus of art in the College of Art photography program at Washington University in St. Louis. I am also an artist who exhibits his work in the USA and internationally and can be found on all seven continents. As a fine art photographer I have a number of portfolios that range from 33 years of photographing Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival in Italy, to figure studies, digital works, a portfolio of work in and around Memphis and Graceland, a portfolio on the landscape of the beach, urban landscapes of Italy and Western Europe and a portfolio of night photography from Italy. I currently have two major portfolios; A Fifteen year study of post Katrina New Orleans which along with my portfolio of 32 years of Mardi Gras work are now available for exhibition.
I also work as a freelance photographer with clients ranging from architectural design build firms to commissioned portraits and a range of studio and location assignments.
My photography is represented by Le Mieux Gallery in New Orleans, La. You can contact the gallery to arrange an exhibition of any of the portfolios linked below. I live in University City, Missouri with my wife Rosemary.
This site is always under construction and in constant need of revisions, stay tuned for an updated site!
Other Sites About Me and My Work: