My guide to New Orleans
This guide, formerly known since 1996 as Pike’s Picks is a not for profit site intented for the use of friends, family and students and NOT an offically sponsored Washington U site. It’s also not to be confused with a site about sporting information that recently filed a copyritght infrigment notice with me of the same name ( even though we had the name for more than 19 years before them). With the advent of iPhones and apps like the Urban Spoon and Yelp, finding your way around New Orleans is less of the challange it used to be. It’s a town that you have to work hard at getting a bad meal, but when you have a limited time for your visit, why take chances on crappy tourist spots? These then are my personal suggestions for your visit to New Orleans, enjoy!
Check out the sidebar on the right for specific information about NOLA: