Peer Reviewed Manuscripts:

  1. Baskin SI, Akera T, Puckett CR, Brody SL, Brody TM, Effect of potassium canrenoate on cardiac functions and (Na+-K+)-activated ATPase. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1973: 143: 495-498.
  2. Tobin T, Akera T, Brody SL, Brody TM, The mechanism of interaction of cassaine with Na+-K+, ATPase. Biochem Soc Trans 1975: 2: 1375-1378.
  3. Tobin T, Akera T, Brody SL, Brody TM, Cassaine: Its mechanism of inhibition of Na+-K+, ATPase and the relationship of this inhibition to its inotropic actions. Europ J Pharmacol 1975: 32: 133-145.
  4. Keyes JM, Leonard PF, Brody SL, Svetkoff DJ, Rogers WL, Lucchesi BR, Biochemical imaging using emission computed tomography. Radiology 1978: 127: 809-812.
  5. Keyes JM, Leonard PF, Brody SL, Svetkoff DJ, Rogers WL, Lucchesi BR, Myocardial infarct quantification in the dog by single photon emission computed tomography. Circulation 1978: 58: 227-232.
  6. Brody SL, Slovis CM, How the ACLS recommendations affect cardiac arrest management. Emergency Medicine Reports 1986: 7: 185-192.
  7. Smith HWB, Liberman HA, Brody SL, Battey LL, Donahue BC, Morris DC, Acute myocardial infarction temporally related to cocaine use: Clinical, angiographic, and pathophysiologic observations. Ann Intern Med 1987: 107: 13-18.
  8. Brody SL, Cocaine: Use, abuse and emergencies. Emory Univ J Med 1988: 2: 257-271.
  9. Brody SL, Anderson GV, Gutman JBL, Pneumomediastinum as a complication of “crack” smoking. Am J Emerg Med 1988: 6: 241-243.
  10. Brody SL, Slovis CM, Recognition and management of complications related to cocaine abuse. Emergency Medicine Reports 1988: 9: 41-48.
  11. Brody SL, Slovis CM, The technique of managing electromechanical dissociation. J Crit Illness 1988: 3: 71-79.
  12. Slovis CM, Brody SL, The technique of reversing of ventricular fibrillation. J Crit Illness 1988: 3: 93-98.
  13. Brody SL, Slovis CM, The technique of managing asystole. J Crit Illness 1989: 4: 81-87.
  14. Brody SL, Nelson WH, Geller RH, Slovis CM, The management of acetaminophen overdose. Emory Univ J Med 1989: 3: 282-290.
  15. Brody SL, Slovis CM, Wrenn KD, Cocaine-related medical problems: A consecutive series of 233 patients. Am J Med 1990: 88: 325-331.
  16. Brody SL, Wrenn KD, Wilber MM, Slovis CM, Predicting the severity of cocaine-associat­ed rhabdomyolysis. Ann Emerg Med 1990: 19: 1137-1143.
  17. The Brain Resuscitation Clinical Trial II Study Group, A randomized clinical study of a calcium-entry blocker (lidofalzine) in the treat­ment of comatose survivors of cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 1991: 324: 1225-1231.
  18. The Brain Resuscitation Clinical Trial II Study Group, A randomized clinical trial of calcium entry blocker administration to comatose survivors of cardiac arrest. Design, methods, and patient character­istics. Controlled Clin Trials 1991: 12: 525-545.
  19. Sand CI, Brody SL, Wrenn K, Slovis CM, Experience with esmolol for the treatment of cocaine-associated cardiovascular complications. Am J Emerg Med 1991: 9: 161-163.
  20. Fukayama M, Kanno T, Brody SL, Kirby M, Crystal RG, Respiratory tract “organ specific” gene therapy: transplantation of genetically modified T-lymphocytes directly to the respirato­ry epithelial lining fluid. J Biol Chem 1991: 266: 18339-18344.
  21. Wrenn K, Brody SL, Do-not-resuscitate orders in the emergency department. Am J Med 1992: 92: 129-133.
  22. Brody SL, Crystal RG, Adenovirus-mediated in vivo gene transfer. Ann NY Acad Sci 1994: 716: 90-103.
  23. Brody SL, Jaffe HA, Han SK, Wersto RP, Crystal RG, Direct in vivo gene transfer and expression in malignant cells using adenovirus vectors. Human Gene Therapy 1994: 5: 437-447.
  24. Brody SL, Metzger M, Danel C, Rosenfeld MA, Crystal RG, Acute response of non-human primates to airway delivery of an adenovirus vector containing the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator cDNA. Human Gene Therapy 1994: 5: 821-836.
  25. Guzman RJ, Hirschowitz EA, Brody SL, Crystal RG, Epstein SE, Finkel T, In vivo suppression of injury-induced vascular smooth muscle cell accumulation using adenovirus-mediated transfer of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1994: 91: 10732-10736. PMCID: PMC45096
  26. Han SK, Brody SL, Crystal RG, Suppression of in vivo tumorigenicity of human lung cancer cells by retrovirus-mediated transfer of the human tumor necrosis factor-a cDNA. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1994: 11: 270-278.
  27. Crystal RG, McElvaney NG, Rosenfeld MA, Chu C-S, Mastrangeli A, Hay JG, Brody SL, Jaffe HA, Eissa NT, Danel C, Administration of an adenovirus vector containing the normal human CFTR cDNA to the respiratory tract of individuals with cystic fibrosis. Nature Genet 1994: 8: 42-51.
  28. Hackett BP, Brody SL, Liang M, Zeitz ID, Bruns LA, Gitlin JD, Primary structure of hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue 4 and characterization of gene expression in the developing respiratory and reproductive epithelium. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1995: 92(10): 4249-4253. PMCID: PMC41921
  29. Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Look DC, Does Gene Therapy Call for “STAT” Immunity and Inflammation at the Epithelial Barrier? Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1995: 12: 127-129.
  30. Korst RJ, McElvany NG, Chu C-S, Rosenfeld MA, Mastrangeli A, Hay J, Brody SL, Eissa NT, Danel C, Jaffe HA, Crystal RG, Gene therapy for the respiratory manifestations of cystic fibrosis. Am J Respiratory and Critical Care Med 1995: 151: S75-S87.
  31. Brody SL, Hackett BP, White RA, Structural characterization of the mouse Hfh4 gene, a developmentally regulated forkhead family member. Genomics 1997: 45: 509-518.
  32. Pelletier GJ, Brody SL, Liapis H, White RA, Hackett BP, A human forkhead transcription factor expressed in developing pulmonary and renal epithelium. Am J Physiol (Lung Cell Mol Physiol 18) 1998: 274: L351-L359.
  33. Blatt EN, Yan XH, Wuerffel MK, Hamilos DL, Brody SL, Forkhead transcription factor HFH-4 expression is temporally related to ciliogenesis. Amer J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1999: 21: 168-176.
  34. Look DC, Brody SL, Engineering viral vectors to subvert the airway defense response. Amer J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1999: 20: 1103-1106.
  35. Brody SL, Yan XH, Wuerffel MK, Song SK, Shapiro SD, Ciliogenesis and left-right axis defects in HFH-4 null mice. Amer J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2000: 23: 45-51.
  36. He Y, Crouch EC, Rust K, Spaite E, Brody SL, Proximal Promoter of the Surfactant Protein D (SP-D) Gene: Regulatory Roles of AP-1, Forkhead, and GT-Box Binding Proteins. J Biol Chem 2000: 275: 31051-31060.
  37. Hussain I, Randolph D, Brody SL, Song S-K, Hsu A, Kahn AM, Chaplin DD, Hamilos DL, Induction, distribution and modulation of upper airway allergic inflammation in mice. Clin Exp Allergy 2001: 31: 1048-59.
  38. Borok Z, Harboe Schmidt JE, Brody SL, You Y, Cannon PM, Kim K-J, Crandall ED, Kasahara N, VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus vectors mediate efficient apical transduction of polarized quiescent primary alveolar epithelial cells. J Virol 2001: 75: 11747-11754. PMCID: PMC114760
  39. Look DC, Walter MJ, Williamson MR, Pang L, You Y, Sreshta JN, Johnson JE, Zander DS, Brody SL, Effects of paramyoxovirus infection on airway epithelial cell Foxj1 expression, ciliogenesis, and mucociliary function. Am J Path 2001: 159(6): 2055-2069. PMCID: PMC1850590
  40. You Y, Richer EJ, Huang T, Brody SL, Growth and differentiation of mouse tracheal epithelial cells: selection of a proliferative population. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2002: 283(6): L1315-1321.
  41. Huang T, You Y, Spoor MS, Richer E, Kudva VV, Paige RC, Seiler MP, Leibler J, Zabner J, Plopper CG, Brody SL, Foxj1 directs polarized localization of ezrin required for apical membrane organization in airway epithelial cells. J Cell Sci 2003: 116: 4935-4945.
  42. Russell TD, Yan Q, Fan G, Khalifah AP, Bishop DK, Brody SL, Walter MJ, IL-12 p40 Homodimer-dependent macrophage chemotaxis and respiratory viral inflammation are mediated through IL-12 receptor beta1. J Immunol 2003: 171(12): 6866-6874, 2003.
  43. You Y, Huang T, Richer EJ, Harboe Schmidt JE, Zabner J, Borok Z, Brody SL, The role of f-box factor foxj1 in differentiation of ciliated airway epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2004: 286(4): L650-657.
  44. Lin L. Spoor MS, Gerth AJ, Brody SL, Peng SL, Th1 hyperactivation and autoinflammation in the absence of the NF-kB repressor Foxj1. Science 2004: 303: 1017-1020.
  45. Rowe RK, Brody SL, Pekosz A, Differentiated cultures of primary hamster tracheal airway epithelial cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 2004: 40(10): 303-311. PMCID: PMC1592688
  46. Brody SL, Genetic disorders of ciliated cells. Amer J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2004: 30: 435-437.
  47. Okada A, Ohta, Y, Brody SL, Watanabe H, Chambon P, Iguchi T, Role of foxj1 and estrogen receptor alpha in ciliated epithelial cell differentiation of the neonatal oviduct. J Mol Endocrinol 2004: 32: 615-625.
  48. Okada, A, Ohta Y, Brody SL, Iguchi T, Epithelial c-jun and c-fos are temporally and spatially regulated by estradiol during neonatal rat oviduct differentiation. J of Endocrinol 2004: 182: 219-227.
  49. Newby C, Brody SL, Pekosz AS, Differentiated cultures of primary hamster tracheal airway epithelial cells In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 2004: 40: 303-311.
  50. Lin L, Brody SL, Peng SL, Restraint of B cell activation by foxj1-mediated antagonism of NF-kB and IL-6. J Immunol 2005: 175: 951-958.
  51. Garcia-Medina R, Dunne WM, Singh PK, Brody SL, Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquires biofilm-like properties within airway epithelial cells. Infect Immun 2005: 73(12): 8298-8305. PMCID: PMC1307054
  52. Tyner JW, Kim EC, Ide K, Pelletier MR, Roswit WT, Morton JD, Castro M, You Y, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR antiapoptosis and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals. J Clin Invest 2006: 116(2): 309-321. PMCID: PMC1359039
  53. Pajewski R, Garcia-Medina R, Brody SL, Leevy WM, Schlesinger PH, Gokel GL, A synthetic, chloride-selective channel that alters chloride transport in epithelial cells. Chem Commun 2006: 119: 329-331. PMCID: PMC2711530
  54. Ibricevic A, Pekosz A, Walter MJ, Newby C, Battaile JT, Brown EG, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Influenza virus receptor specificity and cell tropism in mouse and human airway epithelial cells. J Virol. 2006: 80(15): 7469-7480. PMCID: PMC1563738
  55. Lesimple P, van Seuningen I, Buisine MP, Copin MC, Hinz M, Hoffmann W, Hajj R, Brody SL, Coraux C, Puchelle E, Trefoil factor family 3 peptide promotes human airway epithelial ciliated cell differentiation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2007: 36: 296-303.
  56. Schuster DP, Brody SL, Zhou Z, Bernstein M, Arch R, Link D, Mueckler M, Regulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced neutrophil glucose uptake. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2007: Apr: 292(4): L845-51. Epub 2006 Nov 22.
  57. Zhang Y, Huang G, Shornick LP, Roswit WT, Shipley JM, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, A transgenic FOXJ1-Cre system for gene inactivation in ciliated epithelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2007: 36(5): 515-519. PMCID: PMC1899335
  58. Driscoll JA, Brody SL, Kollef MH, The Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections. Drugs 2007: 67(3): 351-368.
  59. Pan J, You Y, Huang T, Brody SL, RhoA-mediate apical actin enrichment is required for ciliogenesis and is promoted by Foxj1. J Cell Sci 2007: 120: 1868-1876.
  60. Okazaki M, Gelman AE, Tietjens JR, Ibricevic A, Kornfeld CG, Huang HJ, Richardson SB, Lai J, Patterson GA, Garbow JR, Krupnick AS, Brody SL, Kreisel D, Maintenance of Airway Epithelium in Acutely Rejected Orthotopic Vascularized Mouse Lung Transplants. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2007: 37(6): 625-630. PMCID: PMC2219553
  61. Cohen JL, Almutairi A, Cohen JA, Bernstein M, Brody SL, Schuster DP, Frechet JMJ, Enhanced cell penetration of acid-degradable particles functionalized with cell-penetrating peptides. Bioconj Chem 2008: 19: 876-881.
  62. Venugopalan SR, Amen MA, Wang J, Wong L, Cavender AC, D’Souza RN, Akerlund M, Brody SL, Hjalt TA, Amendt BA, Novel Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of FoxJ1 63. During Oro-facial Morphogenesis. Hum Mol Genet 2008: 17(23): 3643-3654. PMCID: PMC2733810
  63. Driscoll JA, Bhalla S, Liapis H, Ibricevic A, Brody SL, Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is associated with an increased prevalence of bronchiectasis. Chest 2008: 133: 1181-1188.
  64. Keleta L, Ibricevic A, Bovin NV, Brody SL, Brown EG: Experimental evolution of Human Influenza H3 hemagglutinin in the mouse lung identifies adaptive regions in HA1 and HA2. J Virol 2008: 82: 11599-11608. PMCID: PMC2583651
  65. Beigelman A, Gunsten S, Mikols CL, Vidavsky I, Cannon CL, Brody SL, Walter MJ, Lung-specific Azithromycin Attenuates Airway Inflammation in a Noninfectious Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma Immunology. Chest 2009: 136(2): 498-506.
  66. Gunsten S, Mikols CL, Grayson MH, Schwendener RA, Agapov E, Tidwell RM, Cannon CL, Brody SL, Walter MJ, IL-12 p80-dependent Macrophage Primes the Host for Increased Survival Following a Protective Anti-viral Immune Response. Immunology 2009: 126(4): 500-513. PMCID: PMC267332
  67. Cannon CL, Hogue LA, Vajravelu R, Capps GH, Ibricevic A, Hindi KM, Kascatan-Nebioglu A, Walter MJ, Brody SL Youngs WJ, In vitro and murine efficacy and toxicity studies of nebulized SCC1, a methylated caffeine-silver(I) complex, for treatment of pulmonary infections. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009: 53(8): 3285-3293. PMCID: PMC2715611
  68. Jacquet BV, Salinas-Mondragon R, Liang H, Therit B, Buie JD, Dykstra M, Campbell K, Ostrowski LE, Brody SL, Ghashghaei HT, FOXJ1 is required for differentiation of ependymal cells and a subset of astrocytes in the postnatal brain. Development 2009: 136(23): 4021-4031. PMCID: PMC3118431
  69. Liu Y, Ibricevic Richardson A, Cohen JA, Cohen JL, Gunsten SP, Frechet JMJ, Walter MJ, Welch MJ, Brody SL, Impact of hydrogel nanoparticle size and functionalization on in vivo behavior for lung imaging and therapeutics. Mol Pharm 2009: 6(6): 1891-1902. PMCID: PMC2804872
  70. Taylor JB, Hogue LA, LiPuma JJ, Walter MJ, Brody SL, Cannon CL, Entry of Burkholderia organisms into respiratory epithelium: CFTR, microfilament and microtubule dependence. J Cyst Fibros 2010: 9(1): 36-43. PMCID: PMC2818354
  71. Ibricevic A, Brody SL, Youngs WJ and Cannon CL, ATP7B detoxifies silver in ciliated airway epithelial cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2010: 243(3): 315-322. PMCID: PMC2830313
  72. Jain R, Pan J, Driscoll JA, Wisner JW, Huang T, Gunsten SP, You Y, Brody SL, The temporal relationship between primary and motile ciliogenesis in airway epithelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2010: 43(6): 731-739. PMCID: PMC2993092
  73. Beigelman A, Mikols CL, Gunsten SP, Cannon CL, Brody SL, Walter MJ, Azithromycin attenuates airway inflammation in a mouse model of viral bronchiolitis. Respir Res 2010: 11(1): 90. PMCID: PMC2906448
  74. Farberman MM, Ibricevic A, Joseph TD, Akers KT, Garcia-Medina R, Crosby S, Clarke LL, Brody SL, Ferkol TW, Effect of polarized release of CXC-chemokines from wild-type and cystic fibrosis murine airway epithelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011: 45(2): 221-228. PMCID: PMC3266059
  75. Kiselak EA, Shen X, Song J, Gude DR, Wang J, Brody SL, Strauss JF 3rd, Zhang Z, Transcriptional regulation of an axonemal central apparatus gene, Sperm-associated antigen 6, by a SRY-related high mobility group transcription factor, S-SOX5. J Biol Chem 2010: 285(40): 30496-30505. PMCID: PMC2945543
  76. Love D, Li FQ, Burke MC, Cyge B, Ohmitsu M, Cabello J, Larson JE, Brody SL, Cohen JC, Takemaru K, Altered lung morphogenesis, epithelial cell differentiation and mechanics in mice deficient in the Wnt/β-catenin antagonist Chibby. PLoS One 2010: 5(10): e13600. PMCID: PMC2963606
  77. Cruz C, Ribes V, Kutejova E, Cayuso J, Lawson V, Norris D, Stevens J, Davey M, Blight K, Bangs F, Mynett A, Hirst E, Chung R, Balaskas N, Brody SL, Marti E, Briscoe J, Foxj1 regulates floor plate cilia architecture and modifies the response of cells to sonic hedgehog signaling. Development2010: 137(24): 4271-4282. PMCID: PMC2990214
  78. Patel AC, Brody SL, Stappenbeck TA, Holtzman MJ, Tracking cell lineage to rediscover (again) the switch from ciliated to mucous cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011: 44(3): 261-263.
  79. Kreisel D, Lai J, Richardson SB, Ibricevic A, Nava RG, Lin X, Li W, Kornfeld CG, Miller MJ, Brody SL, Gelman AE, Krupnick AS, Polarized alloantigen presentation by airway epithelial cells contributes to direct CD8+ T cell activation in the airway. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011: 44(6): 749-754. PMCID: PMC3135837
  80. Deppong CM, Xu J, Brody SL, Green JM, Airway epithelial cells suppress T cell proliferation by an IFN-g/STAT1/TGFb-dependent mechanism. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2012: 302(1): L167-L173. PMCID: PMC3349368
  81. Jain R, Ray J, Pan J, Brody SL, Sex Hormone-Dependent Regulation of Cilia Beat Frequency in Airway Epithelium. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2012: 46(4): 446-453. PMCID: PMC3359953
  82. Jain R, Javidan-Nejad C, Alexander-Brett J, Horani A, Cabellon MC, Walter MJ, Brody SL, Sensory functions of motile cilia and implications for bronchiectasis. Front Biosci (Scholar Ed). 2012: 4: 1088-1098. PMCID: PMC3841983
  83. Li W, Bribriesco AC, Nava RG, Brescia AA, Ibricevic A, Spahn JH, Brody SL, Ritter JH, Gelman AE, Krupnick AS, Miller MJ, Kreisel D, Lung transplant acceptance is facilitated by early events in the graft and is associated with lymphoid neogenesis. Mucosal Immunol 2012: 5(5): 544-554. PMCID: PMC3425714
  84. Horani A, Druley TE, Zariwala MA, Levinson BT, Van Arendonk LG, Thornton KC, Giacalone JC, Albee AJ, Wilson KS, Turner EH, Nickerson DA, Shendure J, Patel AC, Bayly PV, Leigh MW, Knowles MR, Brody SL, Dutcher SK, Ferkol TW, Whole exome capture and sequencing identifies HEATR2 mutation as a cause of primary ciliary dyskinesia. Am J Hum Genet 2012: 91(4): 685-693. PMCID: PMC3484505
  85. Newcomb DC, Boswell MG, Sherrill TP, Polosukhin VV, Boyd KL, Goleniewska K, Brody SL, Kolls JK, Adler KB, Peebles RS, IL-17A induces STAT6-independent airway mucus expression. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2013: 48(6): 711-716. PMCID: PMC3727878
  86. Horani A, Ferkol TW, Shoseyov D, Wasserman MG, Oren YS, Kerem B, Amirav I, Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Dutcher SK, Brody SL, Elpeleg O, Kerem E, LRRC6 mutation causes primary ciliary dyskinesia with dynein arm defects. PLoS One 2013: 8(3): e59436. PMCID: PMC3602302
  87. Ibricevic A, Guntsen SP, Zhang K, Shrestha R, Liu Y, Sun JY, Welch MJ, Wooley KL, Brody SL, PEGylation of cationic, shell-crosslinked-knedel-like nanoparticles modulates inflammation and enhances cellular uptake in the lung. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2013: S1549-9634(13)00071-3. PMCID: PMC3724762
  88. Shen Y, Shrestha R, Ibricevic A, Gunsten SP, Welch MJ, Wooley KL, Brody SL, Taylor J-SA, Liu Y, Antisense peptide nucleic acid-functionalized cationic nanocomplex for in vivo mRNA detection. Interface Focus 2013: 3(3): 20120059. PMCID: PMC3638413
  89. Li A, Chan B, Felix J, Xing Y, Brody SL, Borok Z, Li C, Minoo P, Tissue-Dependent Consequences of APC inactivation on proliferation and differentiation of ciliated cell progenitors via WNT and notch signaling. PLoS one 2013: 8(4): e62215. PMCID: PMC3639955
  90. Horani A, Nath A, Wasserman MG, Huang T, Brody SL, Rho Kinase inhibition enhances airway epithelial cell proliferation, and efficiency of lentivirus transfection. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2013: 49(3): 341-7. PMCID: PMC3824057
  91. Shah PN, Lin LY, Smolen JA, Tagaev JA, Gunsten SP, Han DS, Heo GS, Li Y, Zhang F, Zhang S, Wright BD, Panzner MJ, Youngs WJ, Brody SL, Wooley KL, Cannon CL, Synthesis, Characterization, and in Vivo Efficacy of Shell Crosslinked Nanoparticle Formulations Carrying Silver Antimicrobials as Aerosolized Therapeutics. ACS Nano 2013: 7(6): 4977-87.
  92. Samarajeewa S, Ibricevic A, Gunsten SP, Shrestha R, Elsabahy M, Brody SL, Wooley KL, Degradable Cationic Shell Crosslinked Knedel-like Nanoparticles: Synthesis, degradation, nucleic acid binding and in vitro evaluation. Biomacromolecules 2013: 14: 1018-1027. PMCID: PMC3640429
  93. Byers DE, Alexander-Brett J, Patel AC, Agapov E, Dang-Vu G, Jin X, Wu K, You Y, Alevy Y, Budelsky A, Brody SL, Pierce RA, Holtzman MJ, Long-term IL-33-producing epithelial progenitor cells in chronic obstructive lung disease. J Clin Invest 2013: 123: 3967-82. PMCID: PMC3754239
  94. Horani A, Brody SL, Ferkol TW, Shoseyov D, Wasserman MG, Ta-shma A, Wilson KS, Bailey PV, Amirav I, Cohen-Cymberknoh M, Dutcher SK, Elpeleg O, Kerem E, CCDC65 mutation causes primary ciliary dyskinesia with normal ultrastructure and hyperkinetic cilia. PLoS One 2013: 8(8): e72299. PMCID: PMC3753302
  95. Horani A, Brody SL, Ferkol TW, Picking up speed: advances in the genetics of primary ciliary dyskinesia. Pediatric Research 2014: 75(1-2): 158-164. PMCID: PMC3946436
  96. Gu X, Karp PH, Brody SL, Pierce RA, Welsh MJ, Holtzman MJ, Ben-Shahar Y, Chemosensory functions for pulmonary neuroendocrine cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2014: 50(3): 637-46. PMCID: PMC4068934
  97. Pan J, Adair-Kirk T, Patel AC, Huang T, Yozamp N, Xu J, Reddy EP, Byers DE, Pierce RA, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Myb permits multilineage airway epithelial cell differentiation. Stem Cells 2014 Dec: 32(12): 3245-56. PMCID: PMC4245327
  98. Patel DA, You Y, Huang G, Byers DE, Kim HJ, Agapov E, Moore ML, Peebles RS Jr, Castro M, Sumino K, Shifren A, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Interferon response and respiratory virus control are preserved in bronchial epithelial cells in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014 Dec: 134(6): 1402-1412. PMCID: PMC4261010
  99. Huang HJ, Isakow W, Byers DE, Engle JT, Griffin EA, Kemp D, Brody SL, Gropler RJ, Miller JP, Chu W, Zhou D, Pierce RA, Castro M, Mach RH, Chen DL, Imaging Pulmonary Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression with PET. J Nucl Med 2015 Jan: 56(1): 76-81. PMCID: PMC4501590
  100. Zhou H, Gunsten SP, Zhegalova NG, Bloch S, Achilefu S, Holley JC, Schweppe D, Akers W, Brody SL, Eades W, Berezin MY, Visualization of Pulmonary Clearance Mechanisms via Noninvasive Optical Imaging Validated by Near-Infrared Flow Cytometry, Cytometry: Part A 2015: 87(5): 419-427.
  101. Spahn JH, Li W, Bribriesco AC, Liu J, Shen H, Ibricevic A, Pan JH, Zinselmeyer BH, Brody SL, Goldstein DR, Krupnick AS, Gelman AE, Miller MJ, Kreisel D, DAP12 expression in lung macrophages mediates ischemia/reperfusion injury by promoting neutrophil extravasation. J Immunol 2015 Apr 15: 194(8): 4039-48. PMCID: PMC4401083
  102. Garson A, Gunsten S, Guan H, Vasireddi S, Brody S, Anastasio M, SU-E-I-90: Characterizing Small Animal Lung Properties Using Speckle Observed with An In-Line X-Ray Phase Contrast Benchtop System. Med Phys. 2015: 42(6): 3262.
  103. Horani A, Ferkol TW, Dutcher SK, Brody SL, Genetics and Biology of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2016 Mar: 18: 18-24. doi: 10.1016/j.prrv.2015.09.001. Epub 2015 Sep 11.
  104. Leoni G, Wasowicz MY, Chan M, Meng C, Farley R, Brody SL, Inoue M, Hasegawa M, Alton EW, Griesenbach U, Ex vivo and in vivo lentivirus-mediate transduction of airway epithelial progenitor cells. Curr Gene Ther 2015: 15(6): 581-90.
  105. Dickinson J, Alevy Y, Malvin N, Patel K, Gunsten S, Holtzman M, Stappenbeck T, Brody SL, IL13 activates autophagy to regulate secretion in airway epithelial cells. Autophagy 2016: 12(2): 397-409. PMCID: PMC4835964
  106. Rieger ME, Zhou B, Solomon N, Sunohara M, Li C, Nguyen C, Liu Y, Pan JH, Minoo P, Crandall ED, Brody SL, Kahn M, Borok Z, p300/β-Catenin Interactions Regulate Adult Progenitor Cell Differentiation Downstream of WNT5a/Protein Kinase C (PKC). J Biol Chem. 2016 Mar 18: 291(12): 6569-82.
  107. Liu Y, Li W, Luehmann HP, Zhao Y, Detering L, Sultan DH, Hsiao HM, Krupnick AS, Gelman AE, Combadiere C, Gropler RJ, Brody SL, Kreisel D, Noninvasive Imaging of CCR2+ Cells in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Lung Transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2016: 16: 3016-3023.
  108. Black KCL, Ibricevic A, Gunsten SP, Flores JA, Gustafson TP, Raymond JE, Samarajeewa S, Shrestha R, Felder SE, Cai T, Shen Y, Löbs A-K, Zhegalova N, Sultan DH, Berezin M, Wooley KL, Liu Y, Brody SL, In vivo fate tracking of degradable nanoparticles for lung gene transfer using PET and Ĉerenkov imaging. J Biomaterials 2016: 04: 040.
  109. Brody SL and Kaiko GE, Harnessing TGF-β and BMP signaling for expansion of p63-positive epithelial stem cells. Stem Cell Invest 2016: 3: 82.
  110. Liu Y, Gunsten SP, Sultan DE, Luehmann HP, Zhao Y, Blackwell TS, Bollermann-Nowlis Z, Pan J, Byers DE, Atkinson, JJ, Kreisel D, Holtzman MJ, Gropler, RJ, Combadiere C, Brody SL, PET-based imaging of Chemokine receptor-2 in experimental and disease-related lung inflammation. Radiology 2017 June: 283(3): 758-768.
  111. Abid S, Xie S, Bose M, Shaul PW, Terada LS, Brody SL, Thomas PJ, Katzenellenbogen JA, Kim SH, Greenberg DE, Jain R, 17β-estradiol dysregulates innate immune responses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa respiratory infection and is modulated by estrogen receptor antagonism. Infect Immun 2017 Aug 7.
  112. Kukarni HS, Liszewki MK, Brody SL, Atkinson JP, The complement system in the airway epithelium: An overlooked host defense mechanism and therapeutic target? J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018:141:1582-1586
  113. Dickinson JD, Sweeter JM, Warren KJ, Ahmad IM, De Deken X, Zimmerman MC, Brody  SL, Autophagy regulates DUOX1 localization and superoxide production in airway epithelial cells during chronic IL-13 stimulation. Redox Biology 2018: 14: 272-284.
  114. Horani A, Ustione A, Huang T, Firth AL, Pan J, Gunsten SP, Haspel JA, Piston DW, Brody SL, Establishment of the early cilia preassembly protein complex during motile ciliogenesis. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2018: online January 22, 2018 PMCID: (in progress).
  115. Borguet YP, Khan S, Noel A, Gunsten SP, Brody SL, Elsabahy M, Wooley KL, Development of fully degradable phosphonium-functionalized amphiphilic diblock copolymers for nucleic acid delivery. Biomacromolecules 2018: 19: 1212-1222.
  116. Oltean A, Schaffer AJ, Bayly PV, Brody SL, Quantifying ciliary dynamics during assembly reveals step-wise waveform maturation in airway cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2018: 59(4): 511-522.
  117. Li W, Luehmann HP, Hsiao HM, Tanaka S, Higashikubo R, Gauthier JM, Sultan D, Lavine KJ, Brody SL, Gelman AE, Gropler RJ, Liu Y, Kreisel D, Visualization of Monocytic Cells in Regressing Atherosclerotic Plaques by Intravital 2-Photon and Positron Emission Tomography-Based Imaging-Brief Report. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2018: 38: 1030-1036.
  118. Castaneyra-Ruiz L, Morales DM, McAllister JP, Brody SL, Strahle JM, Dahiya S, Limbrick DD, Blood Exposure Causes Ventricular Zone Disruption and Gilial Activation. In Vitro. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2018: 77(9): 803-813.
  119. Huizar RL, Lee C, Boulgakov AA, Horani A, Tu F, Marcotte EM, Brody SL, Wallingford JB, A liquid-like organelle at the root of motile ciliopathy. eLife 2018: 7: e38497.
  120. Kulkarni HS, Elvington ML, Liszewski MK, Byers DE, Yusen RD, Brody SL, Atkinson JP, Intracellular C3 protects human airway epithelial cells from oxidant-stress induced cell death. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2019 Feb: 60(2): 144-157.
  121. Gauthier JM, Takahashi T, Bierhals AJ, Brody SL, Hachem RR, Witt CA, Byers DE, Yusen RD, Trulock EP, Aguilar PR, Nava RG, Kozower BD, Meyers BF, Patterson GA, Kreisel D, Puri V, Technical Considerations for Lung Transplantation in Kartagener’s Syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg 2019 May: 107(5): e337-e339.
  122. Heo GS, Kopecky B, Sultan D, Ou M, Feng G, Bajpai G, Zhang X, Luehmann H, Detering L, Su Y, Leuschner F, Combadière C, Kreisel D, Gropler RJ, Brody SL, Liu Y, Lavine KJ, Molecular Imaging Visualizes Recruitment of Inflammatory Monocytes and Macrophages to the Injured Heart. Circ Res 2019 Mar 15: 124(6): 881-890.
  123. Horani A, Brody SL, Frequenting Sequencing: How Genetics Teaches us Cilia Biology. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2019 Apr 5.
  124. Liu Z, Liao F, Scozzi D, Furuya Y, Pugh KN, Hachem R, Chen DL, Cano M, Green JM, Krupnick AS, Kreisel D, Perl AKT, Huang HJ, Brody SL, Gelman AE, An obligatory role for club cells in preventing obliterative bronchiolitis in lung transplants. JCI Insight 2019 Apr 16: 5.
  125. Nanjundappa R, Kong D, Shim K, Stearns T, Brody SL, Loncarek J, Mahjoub MR. Regulation of cilia abundance in multiciliated cells. Elife 2019 Apr 26: 8. pii: e44039.
  126. Malvin NP, Kern JT, Liu TC, Brody SL, Stappenbeck TS, Autophagy proteins are required for club cell structure and function in airways. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2019: 317(2): L259-L270.
  127. Brooks FJ, Gunsten SP, Vasireddi SK, Brody SL, Anastasio MA, Quantification of image texture in X-ray phase-contrast-enhanced projection images of in vivo mouse lungs observed at varied inflation pressures. Physiol Rep 2019 Aug: 7(16): e14208.

Book Chapters:

  1. Brody SL. Concepts in Critical Care: in Comprehensive Board Review in Internal Medicine. Atlanta: Emory University Press; c1986, c1987, c1988.
  2. Brody SL. Lithium Intoxication. Hurst JW, editor. 2nd ed. Medicine for the Practicing Physician: Boston: Butterworth Publisher, Inc.; c1988. p. 1760-1762.
  3. Brody SL. Radiation Emergencies. Hurst JW, editor. 2nd ed. Medicine for the Practicing Physician: Boston: Butterworth Publisher, Inc.; c1988. p. 1712-1714.
  4. Brody SL. Violence and Drugs. Violence associated with acute cocaine use in patients admitted to a Emergency Department. De La Rosa M, editor. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Drug Abuse Monograph; c1990. Chapter 103, Violence associated with acute cocaine use in patients admitted to a Emergency Department; p. 44-59.
  5. Holroyd KJ, Brody SL, Mastrangeli A, Crystal RG. Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Cells: Neutrophils and Lymphocytes. Baggiolini M, Pozzi E, Semenzato G, editors. Milano: Masson Intalia; c1990.; T-lymphocyte “abnormalities” in sarcoidosis: Normal T-cells chronically driven or abnormal T-cells endogenously stimulated; p. 193-207.
  6. Slovis CM, Brody SL. Current Therapy in Cardiology. Hurst JW, editor. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: BC Dekker; c1991. Cardiac arrest and resuscitation from sudden death.
  7. Slovis CM, Brody SL. Current Therapy in Internal Medicine. Kassier JP, editor. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: BC Dekker; c1991. Cardiac arrest and resuscitation from sudden death.
  8. Brody SL, Crystal RG. Human Gene Transfer. IBoiron M, Haguen­auer DC, editors. Montrouge, France: John Libbey Eurotext Limited; 1991. Chapter 219, Gene therapy of the respiratory tract; p. 147-158.
  9. Brody SL. Medicine for the Practicing Physician. Hurst JW, editor. 3rd ed. Boston: Butterworth Publisher, Inc.; c1992. Lithium Intoxication.
  10. Brody SL. Medicine for the Practicing Physician. Hurst JW, editor. 3rd ed. Boston: Butterworth Publisher, Inc.; c1992 Radiation Emergencies.
  11. Brody SL. Gene Therapy. Molecular to Clinical. Brody TM, Larner J, Minneman KP, editors. St. Louis: Mosby; c1998. Human Pharmacology; p. 65-76.
  12. Rosenbluth DB, Brody SL. Textbook of Molecular Medicine. Jamison L, editor. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Scientific; c1998. Cystic Fibrosis.
  13. Brody SL. Human Pharmacology. Minneman KP, editor. London: Elsevier; c2005. Gene Therapy and Emerging Molecular Therapies.
  14. Ferkol T, Mitchison H, O’Callaghan C, Leigh M, Carson J, Lie H, Rosenbluth D, Brody SL. European Respiratory Society Mongraph. Respiratory Disease in Infants and Children. Frey U, Gerritsen J, editors. c2006. Chapter 37, Current issues in the basic mechanisms, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia; p. 291-313.
  15. Brody SL, Atkinson JJ. Molecular Pathology of Lung Diseases. Zander DS, Cagle P, Jagirdar J, Barrios R, Haque A, Popper H, editors. New York: Spring; c2007. Epithelial Repair and Regeneration.
  16. Driscoll JA, Brody SL. The Washington University Manual of Critical Care. Kollef MH, Bedient TJ, Isakow W, Whitt CA, editors. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2008. Toxicology.
  17. Mohr N, Sherman D, Brody SL. The Washington University Manual of Critical Care. Kollef MH Isakow W, editors. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2011. Toxicology.
  18. Keller BC, Brody SL. Pulmonary Medicine Consultation Handbook. Shifren A, ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2012. Viral Pulmonary Infections.
  19. You Y, Brody SL. Epithelial Cell Culture, Methods in Molecular Biology. Randell SH, Leslie Fulcher N, editors. 2nd ed. New York: Humana Press, Springer Science; c2013. Chapter 203 and 945, Culture and differentiation of mouse tracheal epithelial cells; p. 123-43.
  20. Vlader E, Brody SL. Methods in Enzymology. Cilia WM, editor. Elsevier; c2013. Chapter 525, Part B, Analysis of Ciliogenesis in Primary Culture Mouse Tracheal Epithelial Cells; p. 285-310.
  21. Horani A, Dickinson JD, Brody SL. Methods in Molecular Biology. Allen IC, editor. c2013. Chapter 1032, Applications of Mouse Airway Epithelial Cell Culture for Asthma Research. In: Mouse Models of Allergic Disease; p. 91-107.
  22. Barker AF, Brody SL. Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. Grippi M, Elias J, Fishman J, Pack A, Kotloss R, Senior R, editors. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; c2014. Bronchiectasis.
  23. Mecham J, Brody SL. The Washington University Manual of Critical Care. Kollef MH, Despotovic V, editors. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2018. Chapter 33, Toxicology, p. 302-326.

Published Abstracts:

  1. Baskin SI, Akera T, Brody SL and Puckett CR, Effect of potassium canrenoate on cardiac functions and on Na+-K+, ATPase. Fed Proc 1973: 32: 811.
  2. Tobin T, Akera T, Ku DD, Brody SL. Cassaine: Its mechanisms of inhibition of Na+-K+, ATPase and the relationship of this inhibition to its cardiotonic actions. Abstract presented at: Fourth Annual Michigan Cardiovascular Research Conference; 1974; Detroit, Michigan.
  3. Brody SL, Keyes JW, Lucchesi BR, Quantification of myocardial infarct size by radionuclide computed tomography. Clin Res 1978: 26: 730A.
  4. Smith HWB, Battey LL, Liberman HA, Brody SL, Donahue BC, Churchwell AL, Morris DC, Acute myocardial infarct associated with cocaine use. J Am Coll Cardiol 1987: 9: 25A.
  5. Brody SL, Burson J, Patterns of antimicrobial use in medical intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med 1989: 17: 588A.
  6. Brody SL, Burson J, Appropriateness of antibiotic choices in medical intensive care patients does not predict survival. Crit Care Med 1989: 17: 588A.
  7. Kanno T, Fukayama M, Brody SL, Crystal RG, Retroviral transfer of the human 1-antitrypsin gene to T-lymphocytes for in vivo gene therapy. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991: 143: 325A.
  8. Fukayama M, Kanno T, Kirby M, Brody SL, Crystal RG, Respiratory tract “organ specific” gene therapy: Transplantation of genetically modified T-lymphocytes directly to the respiratory epithelial surface. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991: 143: 512A.
  9. Brody SL, Jaffe HA, Han SK, Passaniti A, Martin GR, Kratzke RA, Kaye FJ, Perricaudet M, Stratford-Perricaudet L, Crystal RG, In vivo gene transfer to malignant mesothelioma using an adenovirus vector. Am Rev Resp Dis 1992: 145: 425A.
  10. Brody SL, Jaffe HA, Han S-K, Passaniti A, Martin GR, Kratzke RA, Kaye FJ, Perricaudet M, Stratford-Perricaudet L, Crystal RG, Direct in vivo gene transfer to malignant cells using adenovirus vectors. Clin Res 1992: 40: 21­1A.
  11. Brody SL, Han SK, Crystal RG: Tumor necrosis factor- gene transfer to human lung cancer cells does not effect in vitro growth by does suppress in vivo tumorigenicity. Clin Res 1993: 42: A.
  12. Brody SL, Metzger ME, Crystal RG, Repeat airway administration of replication deficient recombinant adenovirus vectors to non-human primates is safe and effective. Am Rev Resp Dis 1993: 147: A544.
  13. Han SK, Brody SL, Crystal RG, Suppression of in vivo tumorigenic­ity of human lung cancer cells by retrovirus-mediated transfer of human tumor necrosis-a cDNA. Am Rev Resp Dis 1993: 147: A457.
  14. Hirschowitz EA, Brody SL, Han SK, Crystal RG, Suppression of proliferation of human mesothelioma cells in vitro using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of the herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1994: 149: A34.
  15. Brody SL, Hackett BP, Structure and sequence analysis of a novel forkhead factor gene expressed in bronchial epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1996: 153: A665.
  16. Brody SL, Yan XH, Zhang V, Proximal airway epithelial cell forkhead factor HFH-4 activates epithelial cell-specific genes. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1997: 155: A748.
  17. Brody SL, Yan XH, Wuerfel M, Shapiro SD, Epithelial cell forkhead factor HFH-4 is essential for survival. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1998: 157: A545.
  18. Hamilos DL, Blatt EN, Brody SL, Expression of winged helix/forkhead factor HFH-4 in the ciliated respiratory epithelial cells of the mouse and human upper airway. J Allergy and Clin Immunol 1999: 103: S248.
  19. Hussain I, Hsu AL, Brody SL, Randolph D, Chaplin DD, Hamilos DL, Distribution of allergen induced eosinophilic inflammation in the mouse upper respiratory tract. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999: 103: S9.
  20. Brody SL, Yan XH, Wuerfel M, SD Shapiro, Hamilos DL, Relationship of transcription factor HFH-4 to ciliogenesis in airway epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1999: 159: A508.
  21. He YC, Brody SL, Crouch EC, Interactions of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 with the surfactant protein D (SP-D) promoter. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 1999: 159: A726.
  22. Look DC, Pang L, Wuerfell MK, Shapiro SD, Brody SL, Cilia aplasia in a mouse model reveals a central role for cilia in airway bacterial clearance. J Invest Med 1999: 47: 256A.
  23. Brody SL, Look DC, Pang L, Wuerfell MK, Kudva VV, Shapiro SD, Effect of cilia aplasia on innate immunity against bacterial infection in the airways. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2000: 161: A217.
  24. Paige RC, Brody SL, Fanucchi MV, Plopper CG, Failure of ciliogenesis in HFH-4 transcription factor deficient mice is correlated with the absence of ezrin. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2000: 161: A561.
  25. Brody SL, You Y, Pang L, Sreshta RJ, Williamson MR, Walter MJ, Look DC, Role of transcription factor FoxJ1 in injury and repair of ciliated epithelial cells after respiratory virus infection. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2001: 163: A379.
  26. Brody SL, You Y, Huang T, Richer E, Leibler JM, Transcription factor Foxj1 regulates localization of apical membrane proteins in airway epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2002: 165: A651.
  27. Ide K, Morton JD, You Y, Castro M, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Selective exprssion and function of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) on ciliated airway epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2002: 165: A651.
  28. Brody SL, Williamson MR, Johnson JE, Zander DS, Look DC, Loss of molecular marker Foxj1 indicates epithelial cell injury and associated predisposition of bacterial pneumonia following respiratory syncytial virus infection. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2002: 165: A637.
  29. You Y, Clarke L, Richer E, Hogue L, Ferkol T, Brody SL, Differentiated primary culture of mouse airway epithelial cells from CFTR mutant mice demonstrate a CF phenotype. Ped Pulmol 2002.
  30. Garcia Medina R, Joseph T, Spoor MS, Ferkol T, Brody SL, Pseudomonas aeruginosa reversibly uncouples airway epithelial cell apical membrane-cytoskeletal protein complexes. Ped Pulmol 2002.
  31. Hogue L, Joseph T, You Y, Medina Garcia R, Brody SL, Ferkol T, Asymmetric chemokine release from murine cystic fibrosis airway epithelia after Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Ped Pulmol 2002.
  32. Garcia-Medina R, Joseph T, Spoor MS, Ferkol T, Brody SL, Pseudomonas reversibly alters airway epithelial cell apical membrane-cytoskeletal protein complex localization. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2003: 167: A.
  33. Shifren A, Newby CM, Pekosz AS, Brody SL, Control of influenza infection by epithelial cell-specific anti-viral responses. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2003: 167: A.
  34. Ferkol TW, Hogue L, Garcia-Medina R, Joseph T, Patterns of CXC chemokine release from murine airway epithelia in response to TNF-a and IL-1b stimulation. Annual CFF meeting. Ped Pulmol Suppl 25 2003: 275.
  35. Ibricevic A, Pekosz AS, Brody SL, TNF-a in ciliated cells directs an innate host response to inhibit influenza virus. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2004: 169: A 232.
  36. Ibricevic A, Huang T, Pekosz AS, Brody SL. TNF-Receptor I is required for early inhibition of respiratory virus processing in airway epithelial cells. Proceed. Am. Thoracic Soc. 2: A561, 2005. Abstract presented at: Annual Meeting, American Thoracic Society; 2005 May; San Diego, CA.
  37. You Y, Spoor MS, Pelletier M, Alevy Y, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL. Interleukin-13 Induces Transition of the Ciliated Cell to a Mucus Cell Phenotype Am. Thoracic Soc. 2: A, 2005. Abstract presented at: Annual Meeting, American Thoracic Society; 2005 May; San Diego, CA.
  38. Battaile JT, Tyner JW, Kim EC, Ide K, Pelletier MR, Roswit WT, Morton JD, Patel AC, Patterson GA, Castro M, Spoor MS, You T, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR anti-apoptotic and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals: implications for asthma and COPD. Proc Am Thoracic Soc 3: A851: 2006.
  39. LeSimple P, van Suningen I, Buisine MP, Copin MC, Brody S, Hinz M, Hoffmann W, Hajj R, Coraux C, Puchelle E, The trefoil factor TFF3 promotes human airway epithelial ciliary differentiation. Abstract presented at: Annual CFF Meeting; 2006. Pediatric Pulm Suppl; 2006.
  40. Driscoll JA, Saito M, You Y, Schlesinger P, Brody SL, Evaluation of primary cilia as flow sensors in airway epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2007.
  41. Zhang Y, Huang G, Shornick LP, Roswit WT, Shipley M, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Transgenic FOXJ1-Cre mediates recombination in ciliated cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2007.
  42. Patel AC, You Y, Huang T, Pan J, Brody SL. The Foxj1 transcriptome in airway epithelial cells defines pathways for ciliogenesis. Abstract presented at: Keystone Symposium, Forkhead Transcription Factor Networks in Development, Signaling, and Disease; 2008 Jan 13: Midway, Utah.
  43. Ibicevic A, Driscoll JA, Bhalla S, Liapis H, Brody SL, Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is associated with an increased prevalence of bronchiectasis. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2008.
  44. Pan J, Driscoll JA, Lunt M, Caspary T, Kahn RA, Brody SL, Developmental regulation of primary cilia in airway epithelial cells. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2008.
  45. Zhang Z, Huang G, Mao D, Roswit WT, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Paramyxoviral infection counteracts the innate immune response in airway epithelial cells via inhibition of Stat1 expression. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2008.
  46. Gunsten S, Mikols CL, Grayson MH, Schwendener RA, Agapov E, Tidwell RM, Cannon CL, Brody SL, Walter MJ, Transgenic expression of the macrophage chemoattractant IL-12 p80 in the lung confers resistance to a respiratory viral infection. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med 2008.
  47. Ibricevic A, Lutsenko S, Walter MJ, Brody SL, Cannon CL. Wilson disease protein, ATP7B detoxifies silver in ciliated airway epithelial cells. Abstract presented at: The Toronto ATS meeting; 2008.
  48. Farberman MM, Akers KT, Crosby S, Brody S, Ferkol TW, Evaluation of Inflammatory Gene Regulation and Expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infected Airway Epithelial Cells Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179: 2009: A1774.
  49. Jain R, Metjian HM, Chawla KK, Minnix SL, Brody SL, Leigh MW, Knowles MR, Atkinson JJ, The Relationship of Nasal Nitric Oxide to Ciliary and Non-Ciliary Lung Disease in Adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179: 2009: A1218.
  50. Liu Y, Ibricevic-Richardson A, Gunsten S, Cohen JL, Kozlowski J, Frechet JMJ, Walter MJ, Welch MJ, Brody SL, Utility of a Polyarginine Peptide To Mediate Intracellular Particle Entry In Vitro and Following Intratracheal Delivery. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179: 2009: A4972.
  51. Pan J, Huang T, Xu J, Jenkins KM, You Y, Atkinson JJ, Walter MJ, Brody SL, A Novel Foxj1-Mlf1-Dynll1 Pathway Is Required for Ciliogenesis and Interrupted by Cigarette Smoke. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179: 2009: A1217.
  52. Shen X, Kiselak EA, Wang J, Gude DR, Brody S, Strauss III JF, Zhang Z. Transcriptional regulation of an axonemal central apparatus gene, SPAG6 by a SRY related high mobility group transcription factor, SOX5. Abstract presented at: North American Testis Workshop; 2009 Apr 1-4; Philadelphia, PA.
  53. Jain R, Ray J, Brody SL: Sex Hormone-Dependent Activation Of The Progesterone Receptor In Airway Epithelial Cells Inhibits Cilia Beat Frequency. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 183: 2011: A1226.
  54. Horani A, You Y, Pan J, Brody SL, Fluid Flow Promotes Motile Ciliogenesis In Airway Epithelial Cells. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 183: 2011: A1228.
  55. Pan J-H, Huang T, Yozamp NS, Brody SL, cMyb Is Required For Ciliated Airway Epithelial Cell Differentiation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012: A.
  56. Ibricevic A, Gunsten SP, Shrestha R, Sun JY, Taylor J-SA, Wooley KL, Brody SL, Cationic Charged Polymer-Based Nanoparticles As Vehicles For In Vivo siRNA Delivery To Alveolar Macrophages In A Lung Inflammation Model. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012: 185: A2140.
  57. Horani A, Nath A, Wasserman M,  Huang T,  Brody SL, Rho Kinase inhibition  enhances airway epithelial cell proliferation, ciliogenesis and efficiency of lentivirus transfection Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012: 185: A6334.
  58. Ferkol TW, Druley T, Horani A, Zariwala M, Leigh MW, Knowles MR, Brody SL, Dutcher S, Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies A Recessive HEATR2 Mutation In Amish PCD Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012: 185: A5276.
  59. Horani A, Ferkol TW, Brody S, HEATR2, A Novel Candidate For Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Is Required For Ciliary Motor Protein Assembly And Function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012: 185: A2484.
  60. Dickinson J, Malvin N, Brody S, Stappenback T, Role of autophagy in airway epithelial cell differentiation and function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013: A187: A5175.
  61. Ibricevic A, Guntsen SP, Samarajeewa S, Shrestha R, Cai T, Shen Y, Taylor J-S, Wooley KL, Brody SL, Development of Degradable Cationic, Poly(DL-lactic acid) based Polymer Nanoparticle Carriers for DNA delivery to the Lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013: A187: A2011.
  62. Horani A, Ferkol TW, Brody SL, Dutcher S, Kerem E, CCDC65 Mutation Is Associated With A Normal Ciliary Ultrastructure But Hyperkinetic Ciliary Beating And Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013: A187: A2084.
  63. Horani A, Ferkol TW, Brody SL, Dutcher S, Kerem E, LRRC6 is an extra-ciliary protein required for cilia motor complex assembly and function, and is mutated in primary ciliary dyskinesia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013: A187: A3807.
  64. Sherman D, Byers DE, Patel AC, Woods JC, Deslee G, Hajari A, Brody SL, Holtzman MJ, Pierce RA, Imaging-guided analysis of gene expression in COPD uncovers a novel remodeling system for small airways. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013: 186: A000.
  65. Dickinson J, Malvin N, Alevy Y, Stappenbeck T, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL. Autophagy proteins regulate airway epithelial cell mucin MUC5AC secretion. Abstract presented at: Gordon Research Conference, Mucus, Cilia and Mucociliary Clearance, Galveston; 2015 Feb 8.
  66. Horani A, Petrosky P, Brody S. HEATR2 distinguishes subsets of preassembly factors and regulates ciliogenesis. Abstract presented at: Gordon Research Conference, Mucus, Cilia and Mucociliary Clearance; 2015 Feb 8; Galveston.
  67. Luehmann HP, Gunsten SP, Zhao Y, Detering L, Laforest R, Schogi KI, Miller MJ, Gropler RJ, Brody SL, Liu.Y. PET imaging of chemokine receptors in acute lung injury. Abstract presented at: Society of Nuclear Medicine; 2015.
  68. Normal Autophagy Activity Is Maintained in Human Airway Epithelial Cells from Severe Asthmatics. Burks AC, Naylor AD, Haspel J, Castro M, Dickinson JD, Stappenbeck TS, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, St. Louis, MO, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: p.A4656.
  69. Dickinson JD, Sweeter JM, Brody SL, Autophagy Is Required for Basal and ATP-Activated MUC5AC Secretion in Airway Epithelial Cells. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: p.A5891.
  70. Dickinson JD, Sweeter JM, Zimmerman MC, Brody SL, Autophagy Dependent Superoxide ROS Is Increased in Airway Epithelial Cells During Chronic IL-13 Stimulation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: p.A5892.
  71. Horani A, Huang T, Pan J, Brody SL, HEATR2 Regulates Ciliogenesis and Distinguishes Subclasses of Preassembly Factors Mutated in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: p.A7236.
  72. Burks AC, Naylor AD, Haspel J, Castro C, Dickinson JD, Stappenbeck TS, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Normal Autophagy Activity Is Maintained In Human Airway Epithelial Cells From Severe Asthmatics. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: 193: A4656.
  73. Horani A, Ustione A, Huang T, Pan J, Piston D, Brody SL, Motile Cilia Preassembly Occurs in a Biphasic Pattern. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017: 195: A6391.
  74. Kenfield M, Yu H, Ehlers A, Xie W, Gunsten S, Agapov E, Horani A, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Haspel J, Dynamic Regulation of Circadian Clock Genes in Chronic Airway Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017: 195: A5210.
  75. Kulkarni HS, Elvington ML, Liszewski MK, Brody SL, Atkinson JP, Human Airway Epithelial Cells Have Multiple Sources and Stores of the Intracellular Complement Protein C3. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017: 195: A5206.
  76. Boomer J, Goss C, Bacharier LB, Coverstone AM, Weaver R, Schechtman S, Schutz R, Sangoi T,  Sajol G, Yin-Declue H, Brody SL, Israel E, Levy BD, Phipatanakul W, Jarjour NN, Wenzel SE, Fahy JV, Teague WG, Gaston BM, Erzurum SC, Moore WC, Bleecker ER, Phillips B, Fitzpatrick AM, Mauger D, Castro M, Goblet Cell Metaplasia and Loss of Ciliated Cells in the Epithelium of Severe Asthma – Results from the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018: 197: A2480.
  77. Gerovac B, Yantis J, Brody SL, Keeler SP, Holtzman MJ, MAPK13 Induction Co-Locates with MUC5AC to Mucin Granules. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018: 197: A1308.
  78. Kulkarni HS, Ma L, Wu X, Gunsten SP, Elvington M, Brody SL, Atkinson J, Complement Component C3 Modulates Airway Epithelial Stress Through Receptor-Dependent and Independent Mechanisms. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019: 199: A2133.
  79. Alexander-Brett J, Katz E, Steinberg D, Byers DE, Bailey KL, Katafiasz D, Holtzman MJ, Brody SL, Extracellular Vesicle Pathways Are Required for Airway Epithelial IL-33 Secretion in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019: 199: A3774.
  80. Mehta S, Brody SL, Khader S, The Human Respiratory Epithelium Exhibits a Robust Inflammatory Response to Mycobacterium Abscessus Infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019: 199: A4241.
  81. Dickinson JD, Sweeter J, Dickey BF, Brody SL, Deficiency of Autophagy Regulatory Proteins Increase Airway Epithelial Secretory Mucins MUC5AC and MUC5B. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019: 199: A2143.
  82. Atkinson JJ, Gunsten SP, Luehmann HP, Sultan DH, Heo GS, Huang T, Akers K, Liu Y, Brody SL, Visualizing CCR2-Mediated Inflammation in Pulmonary Fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019: 199: A4607.
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