Title: The mountain 
The mountain is comprised of iron (Fe) crystals and conducting polymer (PEDOT) colorful film. 
Author: Yifan Diao, Ph.D Candidate, D’Arcy Lab (Chemistry), Institute of Material Science and Engineering. 
Yifan Diao won the first prize in 2019 Lightscapes.
Title: The rose 
The rose is made of conducting polymer (PEDOT) with 2D nanosheets and 1D nanofibers. 
Author: Yifan Diao, Ph.D Candidate, D’Arcy Lab (Chemistry), Institute of Material Science and Engineering. 
Yifan Diao won the first prize in 2019 Lightscapes.

Title: Mouse dorsal root ganglia 
Author: Junwei Du, Ph.D Candidate, Mikhail Berezin Lab (Optical Radiology Lab), Institute of Material Science and Engineering. 
Junwei Du won the second prize in 2019 Lightscapes.
Title: Lear to feel 
Author: Ian Berke, Ph.D Candidate, Biomedical Engineering