Welcome to SPECTRA!
About us
Spectra is a student-led imaging society that encompasses the student groups of the international society for optics and photonics (SPIE), the optical society (OPTICA, formerly OSA), and the imaging sciences pathway (ISP).
Our aim is to create and build a community at Washington University in St. Louis centered on the study and advancement of different imaging modalities. In addition, we seek to promote the educational advancement of the K-12 students of the greater St. Louis community into scientific fields of study.

2024 Upcoming event – Student-Led Conference Oct, 18th

James M. Skinner Professor of Science and Department Chair
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pennsylvania
Diffusing light in the near infrared spectral part of the spectrum can be used to quantitatively probe physiology of tissues located far below body surfaces. After traversing through tissue, the emerging light fields contain a wealth of diagnostic information about blood flow, blood oxygenation, and oxygen metabolism, about molecular biomarkers such as cytochrome-C oxidase, lipid, and water. Health biometrics can then be derived from these data based on optics alone or in combination with other signals. I will introduce the essential diffuse optics measurement tools and paradigms, many of which were hatched in the physics and bioengineering communities. Then I will discuss selected clinical and pre-clinical examples that we have investigated with our collaborators. Depending on time, this will include studies of brain metabolism and autoregulation, cancer monitoring, placental health, and more.
2024 Lightscape awards list
1st Place – Kaelyn Schloss
2nd Place – Sanskar Thakur
3rd Place – Grace Moore, Abby Matt, Katie Duncan
2024 Past event – SciFest