STEM researchers make incredible breakthroughs every day, but policy-makers and the public rarely have knowledge or understanding of their work. This indicates a gap in communication between the public and the scientists, as well as a need (and opportunity) for STEM Ph.D. students to develop professional skills to communicate scientific research to these groups. Students who complete the Science Communication Credential program will both develop a portfolio of publications that demonstrate their communication skills and receive a digital badge of accomplishment that integrates with their online LinkedIn profile. 

Students who participate in the Science Communication Credential program will have the opportunity to develop, workshop, and publish communications products including articles, podcasts, and videos for a lay audience (see sample SCC training plan below). They will improve their communication skills, receive feedback from skilled professionals, and gain understanding of the public-facing publishing industry. Students will reflect on their SCC training and document the skills they have developed in a self-reflection exercise, which will help them communicate the value of these experiences in professional documents including CVs, resumes, and cover letters.

This program was created with support from NIH grant #3T32GM008151-34S1.

For more information please contact Heather Ahrens,