FORWARD with Peers (FWP) is a 10-week program. Building on the success of a school-based behavioral health program designed to help students talk about their feelings and promote healthy living, the goal is to create a safe place to promote social and emotional learning (SEL) and build students’ toolset to achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals.
To receive a copy of the full manual, click here.
Through the use of PhotoVoice, the EMPOWerment and rEsilience pRogram (EMPOWER), centers adolescents’ voices, ideas, and priorities in research efforts. EMPOWER generates evidence on how these students are faring and how to successfully navigate and address the taboo/stigma around mental health in Arab/Muslim communities. The program helps to identify critical supports and services to help students better transition and thrive in the US and their new schools that are culturally relevant, sensitive, and accepted by student immigrants and refugees and their families. This facilitation guide provides detailed guidance on how to conduct the EMPOWER program with youth.
To receive a copy of the full manual, click here.