Clifford Atuiri, MPH

Clifford Atuiri, MPH

Racial difference in the association between glycated hemoglobin and the risk of diabetic nephropathy

Research Highlights

What’s the question your research is trying to answer?

Are there race/ethnic differences in the association between glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c) and diabetic nephropathy?

Why did you choose this topic? Who did you work with?

Glycated hemoglobin has been widely accepted as a screening tool for diabetes. There is current controversy about the implications of racial differences on the level of HbA1c. The current cut-off for diagnosis are based on the threshold for development of microvascular complication like diabetic nephropathy. I wanted to assess if different racial groups will need different cut-off for diagnosis based on the difference in association of HbA1c and microvascular complication(diabetic nephropathy) I worked on this alone.

What conclusions came out of the research?

Although there were racial differences in the level of HbA1c, there was no significant racial difference in the association between HbA1c and risk of diabetic nephropathy