Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who can participate in RWOW?

A: All currently enrolled Brown School graduate students, including PhD students, visiting scholars, and dual degree students.

Q: Does it cost anything to participate?

A: Not at all. This event is ENTIRELY VIRTUAL this year. Starting next year, we plan to move back to a physical format. 

Q: What are the benefits for participating in RWOW?

A:  You can add research/presentation experience to your resume, practice poster design and public speaking skills, and share your research topic and interest with Brown School peers/staff/faculty.

Q: What is the selection process of a submitted project poster?

A: All submitted project posters will go through format review, content review and IRB review (if applicable). You can always reach out if you have questions or need help designing your poster (

Q: Can I submit multiple project posters/participate in different teams?

A: Yes! For virtual RWoW only you can submit multiple posters. Once we are back in person different rules will apply.

Q: Should I include all collaborations on the project poster (i.e. professors, agencies, non-Brown School students etc.)?

A: It’s always good to inform all collaborators before submitting your project poster and asking for consent to put their personal information on the poster.

Q: What if I have more questions?

A: For more information, please email