Caitlin O'Connell, MPH

Caitlin O'Connell, MPH

Detecting changes in protective behaviors and infection trends with COVID-19 Surveillance System

Research Highlights

What’s the question your research is trying to answer?

Objectives: 1. Evaluate protective behavior changes, COVID-19 infection status, and COVID-19 illness/hospitalizations in survey data provided by a panel of St. Louis residents and employees 2. Compare with regional COVID-19 case trends In question form: Can we systematically track protective behavior changes, COVID-19 infection status, and COVID-19 illness/hospitalizations in survey data provided by a panel of St. Louis residents and employees? Do the detected trends compare with regional COVID-19 case and hospitalization trends?

Why did you choose this topic? Who did you work with?

This is part of a COVID-19 misinformation project through the Health Communication Research Laboratory supported by NIH/CEAL (1OT2HL161614-01).

What conclusions came out of the research?

This is part of a COVID-19 misinformation project through the Health Communication Research Laboratory supported by NIH/CEAL (1OT2HL161614-01).