Research WithOut Walls 2025
What: Annual Brown School graduate student (MSW and PhD) research symposium
When: Want to invite students to stand by their projects on April 25th in Hillman Hall Clark-Fox Forum between 11:15 and noon for an interactive poster session as part of “Centennial Faculty Symposium”. Awards will be handed out at this time. Free Pizza! Standing by your poster is encouraged but not required.
Why: Showcase your research and evaluation, build your resume, compete for awards, have fun! Free Pizza!
Who: Brown School Masters and PhD students are eligible to submit presentations. Maximum 3 people per presentation.
How to become a presenter at RWOW
- Let us know if you are interested! Drop us an email with a tentative title and list of authors at We’d like to hear from you by March 31st.
- See our website for poster templates and complete instructions!
- Consider attending our poster development session on March 25th at noon in Hillman 120!
- Posters due April 11th. We print them for you – just send the Powerpoint file to
- Posters will be up on the lower level of Hillman Hall from April 18th – 25th, and will be viewable at any time during the week prior to interactive poster session as part of “Centennial Faculty Symposium” on April 25th.
Students at the Brown School have opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research with our faculty and their classroom peers. Research WithOut Walls is a signature event that showcases the breadth of student-driven research. During this annual symposium, the halls of the School are lined with student research posters, and students present their findings to faculty, peers and community members. Project posters are reviewed by a panel of Brown School faculty/staff, and outstanding work is rewarded with the presentation of the highly selective Edward F. Lawlor Impact Award.
Research WithOut Walls provides students at the Brown School with practice and experience in submitting an abstract for review, designing a poster to convey their research, and communicating that research to others in a meaningful way. It’s also an opportunity to support one another through the dissemination of knowledge and the sharing of passion for research.