If you are interested in applying for the RRT Program, please email Chelsea Hand-Sheridan, Training Programs Manager,  c.hand-sheridan@wustl.edu. 

RRT Flyer 2023

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Advanced doctoral students or early career investigators
  • Interest in child-focused behavioral health
  • Priority given to those of African descent and other underrepresented minorities
  • Currently studying or employed at a U.S. based organization

Application Instructions:

  • Complete online application  
  • Submit application documents through the online application:
    • Current NIH Biosketch (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm): Save as PDF “LastName_FirstName_2024_Biosketch.pdf”

    • Career Development Plan (2 pages maximum): Save as PDF “LastName_FirstName_2024_CDP.pdf”
      • The plan should include the following:
        • Background, including relevant past research experience and coursework
        • How this program would advance professional development and research
        • Proposed outcomes and corresponding timelines
        • Career goals
    • Proposed Research Interest (2 pages maximum): Save as PDF “LastName_FirstName_2024_ResearchInterest.pdf”

      • The plan should include: a description of any studies that you are currently involved with, with your mentor, and/or research areas that you intend to pursue.

    • References/Letters of Recommendation: You will be asked to provide the names of two references who will be contacted via email for Letters of Recommendation. One reference should be from your doctoral dissertation chair, a primary mentor, division supervisor, or principal investigator (PI) on research work you are conducting.

For more information, contact

Chelsea Hand-Sheridan, c.hand-sheridan@wustl.edu
Training Programs Manager