Follow these steps to apply for the National Scholarship Board.
Step 1: Log onto
Step 2: Halfway down the page you will a small yellow button that says “ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS”
click that and scroll to the bottom of the page and there will be a paragraph called “APPLY WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL”
Step 3: Under “HOW TO APPLY” the second bullet point says “Scholarship Application” which will take you to a new page. On this page, it will prompt you to login (if your account is already made login) Click “register” and create an account.
Step 4: Read the Pre-Sign-In Notification, and click “I Accept.”
Step 5: Create an Account. (Click on Create an Account)
Step 6: You will see “Privacy & Security Notice”. Read and click the Accept button, then click
Step 7: Create an Account screen; you need to enter your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth,
Email Address and Zip Code. Then you will need to type in the text as it appears in the image and Click Continue. Once you Click Continue, You will be sent an email to the email address that you provided.
Step 8: Once you receive the email that is sent to the email address that you provided, it will provide you with instructions and a web link. Click on the web link in the email to go in and Set your Password
Step 9: On the Set Password screen; you will enter your Date of Birth, a Screen Name (you make it up), and a Password (Password must have at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase character).
Step 10: Once complete, you will be directed to a Login Screen, You are required to enter your
Username (which is your Email Address) and Password, Then Click Sign-in.
Step 11: Once Signed-in, you will see Privacy Act Statement. Read and Click Continue and that will take you to DASHBOARD
Step 12: Once you are at the Dashboard, Click on Begin Application. At the Top, you will see 9 tabs that you need to complete.
- Personal Information- (Fill it out completely and click SAVE before hitting Continue)
- Parental Information- (Fill it out completely and click SAVE before hitting Continue)
- Military Information- (Fill it out completely and click SAVE before hitting Continue)
- Academic Information- (You must provide the Names and Email Addresses of your Guidance Counselor and Physical Fitness Assessment Faculty Member (this is the person that is going to administer your physical fitness assessment). You need to coordinate with this person to conduct your physical fitness assessment. Ensure that you follow up to make sure they have submitted your information in the system. (Fill it out completely and click SAVE before hitting Continue )
- Activities – Once you have completed this screen and click SAVE, Click on the Selection Status tab on the top. Once the screen pops up, scroll down to “Additional Remarks” section and expand upon activities that you listed on the Activities screen, and include anything that you were not able to enter before. Then Click Save.
- School of Intent – Enter your choices by Priority, (Fill it out completely and click SAVE before hitting continue.)
- Survey- This survey takes about 25 minutes to complete. Very important that you complete this survey. You are awarded points for completing the survey.
- Personal Statement- Very important and can only be 2000 characters in length. Suggest having someone prove-read before submitting.
- File Upload- This is where you upload all required documents.
Step 13: Once you have completed all 9 tabs, Click on Selection Status to view your application status. Once your application status is “INTERVIEWEE”, you can click on DASHBOARD Tab and look under messages for a message on how to schedule your face-to-face interview with the Professor of Military Science at a local Army ROTC Program.
Step 14: Once you see the message to schedule your face-to-face interview, contact the Army ROTC program and schedule your interview appointment. (Ensure you bring all of your supporting documents to the interview, Ensure you are dressed professionally and on time). Contact Mr. Rodriguez*
Step 15: Once your interview with the Professor of Military Science (PMS) is complete, the PMS
will enter his or her comments and recommendation into the application system.
Step 16: Your application will be made “Board Ready” and go to the next board. Once the board is over, the board results should be released in about 30 days.
*Point of Contact for assistance: Mr. Lee Rodriguez at Washington University Army ROTC
Program. or 314-935-5521 (Office) 580-583-7724 (Cell)