Fostering Responsible Industry-Academia Partnerships in the Development of Brain Technologies
IRB #202205141
We want to hear from you. Please learn about our study and consider participating.
We are conducting original research on partnerships between for-profit companies and universities, often referred to as company-university partnerships or industry-academia partnerships. These partnerships result in the development of brain technologies for patient care.
We are interested in hearing from individuals in 7 Key Stakeholder Groups. We want to understand the practical and ethical challenges that can emerge in the design, conduct, reporting, and commercialization of brain technology research arising from industry-academia partnerships. Findings from this study will be used to develop resources to help universities, companies, and doctors navigate responsible and successful industry-academia partnerships. Resources will be tailored to address unique issues related to brain technologies.
Step 1: Short Pre-Interview Survey
Completing this 5-minute survey helps us determine if you are eligible to participate in this study.
Step 2: Interview Scheduling
After you complete the survey, be ready for a follow-up email. If you are selected, the study team will send you an invitation to participate in a 1-hour Zoom interview, along with a link to schedule your interview at a time that is convenient for you. We will email you a list of interview questions before your interview to give you time to prepare and think through the questions.
Step 3: Interview
The interview will take place over Zoom, and will take about 1 hour of your time. During the interview you will be asked about your experience with brain technology, especially as it relates to industry-academia partnerships. You will also be asked about your perspective on practical and ethical issues that can arise in industry-academia partnerships, as well as possible ways to address these issues.
Step 4: Payment
Within 30 days of completing your interview, you will receive an email containing a $60 e-gift card to Amazon.com.
You may be eligible to participate if you belong to one of these groups…
Clinicians using brain technology to treat patients in the U.S. are invited to participate in this study. Prior experience with industry-academia partnerships or prior relationships with industry representatives is required to qualify for this study.
We are currently recruiting members of this group. Click the button below to begin your pre-interview survey and find out if you are eligible.
Scientists conducting brain technology research at academic institutions in the U.S. who have experience with industry or commercializing innovations are invited to participate in this study. Scientists eligible for this study will be an investigator of a study or clinical trial designed to develop or evaluate new brain technologies for the treatment of patients. Prior experience with industry-academia partnerships is required to qualify for this study.
We are currently recruiting members of this group. Click the button below to begin your pre-interview survey and find out if you are eligible.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
Product or company leaders of companies developing or investing in brain technologies in the U.S. are invited to participate in this study. Prior experience with industry-academia partnerships is required to qualify for this study.
We are currently recruiting members of this group. Click the button below to begin your pre-interview survey and find out if you are eligible.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
Patients who have been treated for a medical condition using brain technology, OR research participants who have participated in research studies involving the use of brain technology, are invited to participate. Prior experience with company-university partnerships is notrequired.
We define brain technology as any device that reads information or changes activity in the brain or spinal cord. This could include:
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Brain or cochlear implants
- Spinal cord stimulators
- And other devices.
Individuals must be age 18 or older and living in the U.S. to participate.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
Researchers at academic institutions in the U.S. whose scholarly work and expertise includes neuroethics (i.e., the scientific study of ethical, legal, and societal implications of neuroscience) or human subjects research ethics (e.g., informed consent, conflicts of interest, data management and privacy) are invited to participate in this study. Prior experience with industry-academia partnerships is not required to qualify for this study.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
Institutional officials at academic institutions in the U.S. who help provide oversight of industry-academia partnerships are invited to participate in this study. We are looking for institutional officials who are the directors or associate directors (your title may differ) of offices that support disclosure and management of conflicts of interest and research contract negotiation in industry-academia partnerships. While prior experience with industry-academia partnerships involving brain technology is not required to qualify for this study, experience with industry-academia partnerships involving medical devices is required.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
Institutional officials at academic institutions in the U.S. who help facilitate industry-academia partnerships are invited to participate in this study. We are looking for institutional officials who are the directors or associate directors (your title may differ) of offices that support technology transfer and management, intellectual property, academic entrepreneurship, or industry engagement and alliances. While prior experience with industry-academia partnerships involving brain technology is not required to qualify for this study, experience with industry-academia partnerships involving medical devices is required.
Recruitment for this group has closed.
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