Sensible Neuroprosthetics

Following limb amputation, electrical stimulation of residual peripheral nerve elicits phantom sensations in the missing limb. Electrode implants that interface embedded prosthetic sensors with truncated nerve stumps could help integrate sensory feedback with prosthetic limbs. Our group has developed a new implant called the macrosieve electrode (MSE) that is ideally suited to this task. We are actively engaged with experiments that will verify the MSE’s suitability for use as a sensory interface in human amputees.

Wireless Nerve Stimulation

Implantable wireless stimulators are capable of providing therapeutic electrical stimulation directly to injured peripheral nerves. These devices consist of a receiver coil connected to a nerve cuff that wraps around the injury site. This enables continued delivery of therapeutic electrical stimulation beyond the hospital setting.

Faster Bone Healing

Resorbable Intracranial Monitor

After traumatic brain injury, measuring the intracranial pressure (ICP) from inflammation and cerebrospinal fluid buildup can convey important information to the surgical team. In collaboration with the John Rogers group at Northwestern, our lab has developed a wireless resorbable ICP monitor to improve upon current ICP monitors used in the operating room and eliminate the need for surgical removal after use.