Our Team AllPrincipal InvestigatorResearcherStaffAllA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Showing: All results Adam Q Bauer, PhD Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Email: apbauer@wustl.edu David Bender, MD Psychiatry Resident Christine Horan, MD Psychiatry Resident Clinical Facilitator Caden Hordan Medical Student Oliver Krentzman Graduate Student in Neuroscience McCall Lab Jordan McCall, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator Email: jordangmccall@wustl.edu Twitter Ginger E Nicol, MD, CEDS Associate Professor of Psychiatry Email: nicolg@wustl.edu Jonah Padawer-Curry PhD Candidate Bauer Lab Demetrius Perry Facilitator, Imaging technician, and Study coordinator Travis “Rick” Reneau, BA Graduate Student Posts pagination 1 of 2 Next Page