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- The Public Service Advisory Board (PSAB) is a student-led partnership between the administration of Washington University School of Law, the Center for Career Development (CCD), and the Student Bar Association (SBA) with the purpose of fostering public service and commitment to pro bono engagement.
- All students of Washington University School of Law are eligible for membership.
- PSAB will not deny membership on the basis of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin.
- Membership shall be defined as:
- Being appointed to a position as a member of a Committee (a “member”); or being appointed as an officer of the Executive Board (an “officer”); and
- Making good faith efforts to attend general body and Committee meetings, and fulfilling assigned duties and responsibilities.
- The procedures for applying for PSAB membership and electing new members shall be described in the By-Laws.
- Warning and Dismissal of Members
- The Executive Board may, by a two thirds majority, give warnings to any member or officer who violates the organization’s Code of Conduct, Constitution, Bylaws, or disregards their duties and responsibilities, that their membership may be revoked.
- Following a warning, if any member or officer continues to violate the organization’s Code of Conduct, Constitution, Bylaws, or disregards their duties and responsibilities, the Executive Board, by a two thirds majority, may vote to dismiss the member or officer.
- PSAB or its members will not engage in any activities which violate the Washington University School of Law Charter, the University Judicial Code, the Constitution or By-Laws of the Student Bar Association, or which endanger the tax-exempt status of the University.
- PSAB or its members will not advocate or tolerate explicit or implicit acts of cruelty, intolerance, or discrimination towards other individuals or groups, or advocate the violation of any individual civil right.
- PSAB members will make efforts in good faith to fulfill their assigned duties and responsibilities, including attending general body and Committee meetings.
- The By-Laws of PSAB shall be a document containing the rules and procedures of PSAB.
- The purpose of the By-Laws shall be to bring order to PSAB, its meetings, and its events.
- The rules outlined in the By-Laws shall be binding to all PSAB members and at all meetings and events in which PSAB is represented.
- The By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any general body meeting.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:
- President or Co-Presidents;
- Public Service Committee Chair or Co-Chairs;
- Pro Bono Committee Chair or Co-Chairs;
- Fundraising and Outreach Chair or Co-Chairs;
- Careers Committee Chair or Co-Chairs; and
- Any position which the Executive Board deems necessary for the successful operation of the organization.
- The general duties of the Executive Board shall be to:
- Conduct business on behalf of the members of PSAB and their specific Committees; and
- Represent the interests of the organization within the school and in the St. Louis community.
- Terms of Office and Appointment of Officers
- The terms of office of the officers of the Executive Board will begin at the end of the Spring Semester and will last for one (1) year.
- At that time, the newly elected officers of the Executive Board will begin their terms.
- Officers of the Executive Board for the following year will be appointed by the current officers of the Executive Board by a majority vote.
- The procedure for appointing officers of the Executive Board shall be defined in the By-Laws.
- Vacancies
- Vacancies in any Executive Board position shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board at the next general body meeting.
- PSAB will consist of the following Committees:
- Public Service Committee
- The Public Service Committee organizes service projects to foster student involvement with the community and encourage greater understanding of the social issues facing the city of St. Louis.
- Pro Bono Committee
- Pro Bono work is an important part of a lawyer’s career, and the Pro Bono Committee is dedicated to helping students develop this practice during law school. Members of the Pro Bono Committee are responsible for facilitating legal pro bono opportunities for students. The committee administers the Pro Bono Pledge Program by developing and organizing law-related service opportunities, encouraging participation by their fellow students, monitoring ongoing projects, and recording completed service hours.
- Fundraising Committee
- The Fundraising Committee focuses on planning and executing fundraising events to raise money for the 2L Public Interest Stipend, which allows rising 3L students to pursue public interest summer positions that would otherwise be unpaid. The committee largely does this through organizing events and fundraisers for students to both enjoy and participate in. Examples of past fundraisers include our used textbook sales, restaurant nights at local businesses, and selling Halloween Grams and Valentine Grams to celebrate those holidays.
- Careers Committee
- The mission of the Careers Committee is two-fold. First, we serve as a bridge between the Center for Career Development (CCD) and students interested in public interest work. This includes bringing students’ attention to CCD public interest programming, and informing students about public interest jobs and internships. Second, we partner with local attorneys and organizations to inform students of opportunities in public interest law. We pursue our mission through networking events, brown bag talks, panels about public interest job fairs and fellowships, and by developing and discussing best practices for securing public interest employment.
- Committee Chairs will have discretion to implement these missions by the means which they feel most fitting to their achievement.
- General Body Meetings
- PSAB shall have general body meetings to discuss and decide on the business of the organization.
- Any student at Washington University, whether or not a member of PSAB, is welcome to attend and contribute at any general body meeting, but will not be entitled to any vote on any matter.
- Executive Board Meetings
- The Executive Board shall have meetings to discuss and decide on the business of the Executive Board.
- Meetings of the Executive Board shall be restricted to officers of the Executive board unless the presence of another individual who is not an officer is requested.
- Committee Meetings
- The several Committees shall meet to discuss and decide on their respective business.
- Participation at these meetings will be decided upon by the several Committee Chairs.
- Voting
- All members and officers appearing at any general body meeting, Committee meeting, or Executive Board meeting shall be allowed one (1) vote on any matter appearing before the general body.
- The President of Co-Presidents will not have a vote unless there is a tie, in which case either the President, or both Co-Presidents together, shall have one (1) vote.
- Voting by proxy is not allowed.
- Procedure
- The procedure of the meetings of the general body, Executive Board, and several Committees and Chair shall be described in the By-Laws.
- Internal Funding through PSAB for PSAB Activities
- The President or Co-Presidents may at their discretion raise internal funds to be allocated to the PSAB committees.
- Procedures for requesting internal funding not allocated by SBA for events and projects sponsored by PSAB are described in the By-Laws.
- Amendments may be proposed to this Constitution by any member or officer who submits a resolution at any general body meeting.
- Amendments will be made to this Constitution only by a two-thirds vote of members present at the general body meeting where the resolution is proposed.
- The President or Co-Presidents may delay voting on the proposed amendment for further consideration until the next general body meeting.