ProSPER’s science policy travel award program is designed to help Washington University graduate students explore future careers in science policy or science communication.  ProSPER will grant one award for up to $500 to attend a professional development science policy or science communication training event in the next year. Previously, this award has been used to attend the annual AAAS or NSPN conferences. Applications are due January 20th.


  • Preference will be given to an active member of ProSPER: this is a member that has attended various events hosted and organized by ProSPER including monthly meetings, book club, socials, hill day, workshops, etc.
  • ProSPER will grant one $500 travel award per year.
  • Applicants must clearly identify and state the event they wish to attend and use of the funding before submitting an application for the event if the conference is not AAAS or NSPN. Event must occur before June 1st of the current year.
  • Ultimately, both ProSPER officers and the Graduate Center must approve all events.
  • Award funding may be used to cover conference registration fees, travel, lodging, and meals but cannot be used to purchase alcohol. It is the responsibility of the awardee to save itemized receipts for all expenditures to be reimbursed.
  • Applicants may apply more than once and may receive funding more than once. However, priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received an award.
  • Awardees are expected to write a short summary of their experience and present at ProSPER’s policy fellowship informational meeting the following fall.         
  • A ProSPER committee will decide the award winner by January 24th

Deadline: January 20th, 11:59pm

2025 ProSPER Professional Development Award
First Name
Last Name
What event/conference are you planning on using this funding for?
*if “other” please justify how this conference aligns with ProSPER’s mission and vision; confirm eligibility by emailing before submitting
What is the intended use of this funding?
If selected, do you agree to write a summary and present your experience at a ProSPER meeting?

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