Media and Social Change is a masterclass in video-making for social change where participants will work with community partners to create social media video projects under the mentorship of Emmy® Award-winning documentary producer and social change innovator Chris Schueler. This two-day intensive will teach you how to target your audience and create impactful and thought-provoking videos.

IT’S FREE and we’ll FEED YOU!

Participants will work with a local, non-profit, environmentally-focused organization to identify a social issue and create short videos for use by the organization to address the issue. Working in small groups and mentored by Chris, participants will learn production skills and social change methods while creating a product that makes a difference in our community.


– You MUST be a graduate or professional student, post-bacc, or post-doc at WashU.

– You MUST be available March 15 and 16, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. There will be breaks to attend to lab responsibilities/check experiments.


A brief, virtual meeting will take place on March 7th before the workshop to form 3-4 person teams. A film screening will take place the evening before the workshop (March 14).

The workshop will take place over two days: March 15 and 16, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you need to leave briefly to attend to lab responsibilities/check experiments, please indicate this in your application.

An optional session will take place the following weekend (March 22) for participants interested in continuing to work and receive feedback on their short videos.

Participants are expected to attend the brief team-forming meeting (March 7) and the two-day workshop (March 15 and 16).

Credit towards Science Communication Credential
This workshop can be used to fulfill several requirements of the Science Communication Credential program. Please contact Heather Ahrens for more information about the program (


Fri., March 7 ***Optional*** Fri., March 14
Hillman Hall 60
Sat., March 15
Hillman Hall 60
Sun., March 16
Hillman Hall 70
***Optional*** Sat., March 22
Participants will attend a 30-minute check-in over Zoom to meet fellow participants and prepare teams for the workshop.7-8pm
Film Screening
8pm Q&A
Participants can watch “Vaccination from the Misinformation Virus.” Snacks will be provided.
Didactic training

Participants will learn about science communication, mass media strategies, and film techniques. Breakfast provided.
9am-12pm   Didactic training and film creation

Participants will learn about science communication, mass media strategies, and film techniques. Breakfast provided.
12pm-1pm      Lunch break

Lunch provided.
12pm-1pm      Lunch break

Lunch provided.
1pm-4pm       Meeting with community partners

During the meeting, at least one member of a local community organization will discuss issues/ needs with your team. The meeting will be facilitated by the producer.
1pm-4pm     Didactic training and film creation

Participants will continue to reach out to the organization while conducting audience research, developing narratives, and filming samples
1pm-4pm            Open work time

Participants can work on their short videos and get feedback from the producer. Participants can share their completed videos with partner organizations.

Participant Sign Up

This form is currently closed for submissions.