General Information

Your Spine, Your Choice

Blake K. Montgomery, MD
Pediatric Spine Conditions are Wide Ranging

There are a lot of ways a young person’s spine can deviate from a “typical” developing spine. Some of the deviation can occur due to conditions such as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, early onset scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, syndromic scoliosis (including syndromes such as achondroplasia, neurofibromatosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, and mucopolysaccharidosis), neuromuscular scoliosis, thoracogenic scoliosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, congenital kyphosis, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, and spina bifida. 

Multiple Treatment Options

Thankfully, many spine conditions can be treated without surgery. Simply observing the condition over time is a very common strategy. Young children with scoliosis may be candidates for spine casting or bracing. Physical therapy can help improve muscular pain and is an excellent option for many patients. 

Occasionally, after thorough consideration and often a trial of non-operative treatments, spine surgery is a considered. The surgical options are wide ranging and can include short length spine fusions, medium length spine fusions, long spine fusions, spine growing rods (i.e., traditional growing rods, magnetic growing rods, Shila growing rods), growth modulation, partial spine bone removal (osteotomies), anterior spine releases, halo gravity traction, partial disc removal, spine decompression, spine defect repair, and neck muscle release/lengthening.  


Each person is unique. Each person’s goals are unique. Sometimes those goals are to play extremely high level or professional sports. Other times the goals may be to improve hygiene ability and sitting balance. Ultimately, most goals include setting up the young person’s back to be in the best possible shape to serve them as well as possible for the rest of their life. 

Pediatric spine conditions are complex. My role as a pediatric spine surgeon is to explain the condition and the treatments options to you so that you have a clear understanding. After the options are explained, I will help you as you decide on your individualized treatment plan which is unique to you, your back, and your goals. I truly enjoy going on this journey with families. 

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