03/2025 | New collaborative ms by A Battista, C Padoa Schioppa and XJ Wang Published in bioRxiv — here A Neural Circuit Framework for Economic Choice: From Building Blocks of Valuation to Compositionality in Multitasking |
03/2025 | New ms by A Livi*, M Zhang*, M Carter, H Schoknecht, A Burkhalter, TE Holy and CPS Published in bioRxiv — here Laminar Architecture of a Decision Circuit in Orbitofrontal Cortex |
11/2024 | Manning defends her thesis — congratulations Dr. Zhang! |
10/2024 | Paper on longitudinal stability in OFC now published in Cell Reports! See pubs |
08/2024 | Miguel Barretto-Garcia awarded the NARSAD Young Investigator Grant — congratulations!!! |
08/2024 | Paper by Ahmad Jezzini and CPS published in the Journal of Neuroscience Neuronal activity in the gustatory cortex during economic choice |
06/2024 | Heejae Choi (PhD student in Neuroscience) joins the lab — welcome! |
04/2024 | CPS elected Fellow of AAAS |
04/2024 | Junxiao Hou (PhD student in Neuroscience) joins the lab — welcome! |
03/2024 | Yuma Kanazawa awarded the JASSO Fellowship — congratulations!! |
02/2024 | New ms by Manning Zhang, Alessandro Livi, Mary Carter, Heide Schoknecht, Andreas Burkhalter, Tim Holy and CPS published in bioRxiv — here The representation of decision variables in orbitofrontal cortex is longitudinally stable |
01/2024 | CPS interview with Benjamin James Kuper-Smith on Value in the brain, orbitofrontal cortex, and causality in neuroscience |
11/2023 | Kevin Duckworth joins the lab — welcome!! |
08/2023 | The lab moves to the new Neuroscience Research Building (NRB) |
06/2023 | Alessandro Livi wins a Small Grant from the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience — congratulations! |
05/2023 | Yuma Kanazawa joins the lab as a PhD student — welcome!! |
10/2022 | Weikang Shi wins the 2022 Best Dissertation Award from the Society for Neuroeconomics Congratulations Weikang!!! |
08/2022 | Miguel Barretto Garcia joins the lab as post-doc — welcome!! |
07/2022 | Paper by Sebastien Ballesta, Weikang Shi and CPS published in Nature Communications Orbitofrontal cortex contributes to the comparison of values underlying economic choices |
04/2022 | Paper by Weikang Shi, Sebastien Ballesta and CPS published in eLife Neuronal origins of reduced accuracy and biases in economic choices under sequential offers |
02/2022 | NeuroResource paper by CPS published in Neuron. Logistic analysis of choice data: A primer |
01/2022 | Weikang Shi defended his PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr Shi!! |
01/2022 | Paper by Weikang Shi, Sebastien Ballesta and CPS published in J Neurosci Economic choices under simultaneous or sequential offers rely on the same neural circuit |
12/2021 | New ms by Sebastien Ballesta, Weikang Shi and CPS posted on bioRxiv Orbitofrontal cortex contributes to the comparison of values underlying economic choices |
11/2021 | New ms by Weikang Shi, Sebastien Ballesta and CPS posted on bioRxiv Neuronal origins of biases in choices under sequential offers |
10/2021 | New paper by Xinying Cai and CPS published in eLife Neuronal activity in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex during economic choices under variable action costs — see here |
08/2021 | The Dept of Neuroscience at WashU launces INSPIRE — a great opportunity for senior graduate students around the world to come give a talk and visit us in St Louis Applications due 9/15 |
02/2021 | CPS’s talk about causality posted on World Wide Neuro — here |
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11/2020 | Interview to CPS on The Naked Scientist podcast |
11/2020 | Our paper on causality in economic choices is published in Nature! download |
09/2020 | Weikang Shi will present our work Values Encoded in Orbitofrontal Cortex are Causal to Economic Choices at the virtual conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics |
07/2020 | Jiaxin (Cindy) Tu, PhD student in Neuroscience, joins the lab — welcome Cindy! |
03/2020 | New manuscript by Ballesta, Shi, Conen and CPS on causal links between OFC activity and economic decisions ……. Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices — see pubs |
02/2020 | New paper by Kuwabara, Kang, Holy and CPS published in eLife — see pubs ……. Neural mechanisms of economic choices in mice |
02/2020 | New paper by Ahmad Jezzini and CPS ……. Neuronal activity in the primate amygdala during economic choice, published in J Neurosci — see pubs |
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11/2019 | New paper by Sebastien Ballesta and CPS ……. Economic decisions through circuit inhibition, published in Current Biology — see pubs |
10/2019 | New paper by Arno Onken, Jue Xie, Stefano Panzeri and CPS ……. Categorical encoding of decision variables in orbitofrontal cortex, published in PLOS Comp Bio — see pubs |
06/2019 | New manuscript by Masaru Kuwabara, Tim Holy and CPS on economic choices in mice (!) uploaded on biorxiv |
06/2019 | CPS promoted to Full Professor |
02/2019 | New paper by Kati Conen and CPS, taking a closer look at range adaptation in OFC, published in J Neurosci — see pubs |
02/2019 | Two posters will be presented at the COSYNE meeting in Lisbon ……. Ballesta & CPS, Neural mechanisms underlying economic decisions under sequential offers ……. Shi, Ballesta, Conen & CPS, Causal relationship between neural activity in OFC and economic decisions |
01/2019 | New paper by Xinying Cai and CPS on decisions under variable action costs published in Nature Comms — see pubs |
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11/2018 | New manuscript by Arno Onken, Stefano Panzeri and CPS on categorical encoding in OFC uploaded on bioRxiv |
10/2018 | Sebastien Ballesta is off to a new faculty position at the University of Strasbourg! |
08/2018 | New manuscript by Kati Conen and CPS on (partial) range adaptation in OFC uploaded on biorxiv |
06/2018 | Manning Zhang joins the lab as a PhD student in BME — welcome Manning!! |
05/2018 | hooding and graduation! |
03/2018 | Kati Conen defended her PhD thesis — congratulations Dr. Conen!! …. Next step: schooling fish @ Max Plank |
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11/2017 | New review paper by CPS & Kati Conen ……. Orbitofrontal cortex: A neural circuit for economic decisions, published in Neuron (featured article) — see pubs |
11/2017 | SfN meeting! ……. Check out CPS’s session on Neuronal Adaptation and Behavioral Performance in Perceptual and Economic Decisions ……. Check out 4 posters by Kati Conen, Masaru Kuwabara, Ahmad Jezzini and Sebastien Ballesta |
11/2017 | New paper by Rustichini, Conen, Cai and Padoa-Schioppa ……. Optimal coding and neuronal adaptation in economic decisions, published in Nature Comms — see pubs |
07/2017 | Weikang Shi joins the lab as a PhD student — welcome!! |
05/2017 | Alessandro Livi joins the lab as a visiting graduate student (from the University of Parma) — welcome!! |
03/2017 | Jue Xie succesfully defended her PhD thesis — congratulations Dr. Xie! |
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10/2016 | Sebastien Ballesta joins the lab as a post-doc — welcome!! |
06/2016 | Commentary by Kati Conen and CPS on Rich & Wallis’s paper published in Nature Neuroscience — see pubs |
05/2016 | Paper by Jue Xie and CPS on remapping published in Nature Neuroscience — see pubs |
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10/2015 | Dialogue between CPS and Geof Schoenbaum published in Curr Opin Behav Sci — see pubs |
09/2015 | Paper by Kati Conen and CPS on noise correlations published in the J Neurophys — see pubs |
09/2015 | Paper by Aldo Rustichini and CPS published in the J Neurophys — see pubs |
09/2015 | Ahmad Jezzini joins the lab as a post-doc — welcome!! |
05/2015 | Commentary on dimensional prioritization (or lack thereof) published in Frontiers in Neuroscience — see pubs |
05/2015 | Kati Conen awarded a pre-doctoral NRSA from NIMH — congratulations!! |
02/2015 | CPS receives the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) 2015 Distinguished Investigator Award |
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11/2014 | SfN posters by Jue Xie and Kati Conen — check them out! |
11/2014 | Collaborative paper with John Murray, Xiao-Jing Wang and others published in Nature Neuroscience — see pubs |
09/2014 | Kati Conen wins the 3rd year Neuroscience Program Grant Competition — congratulations! |
09/2014 | Xinying Cai moves to NYU Shanghai to start his own lab — congrats and good luck! |
08/2014 | Ananth Raghuraman’s paper on choices under risk published in the Journal of Neuroscience — see pubs |
07/2014 | Masaru Kuwabara joins the lab as a post-doc — welcome!! |
06/2014 | The Neuroeconomics conference in Erice was a lot of fun! |
05/2014 | Theory paper with Aldo Rustichini published in American Economic Review PP — see pubs |
01/2014 | Xinying Cai’s paper on the good-to-action transformation published in Neuron — see pubs |