WashU Olin relies on a set of Standing Committees to make decisions, develop and implement policies, and support the school’s operations.

Andrew Knight, PhD

Andrew Knight, PhD

Professor of Organizational Behavior

  • Vice Dean for Education & Globalization
  • Chair of Academic Review Committee – Undergraduate
  • Chair of Academic Review Committee – Graduate
  • Chair of Academic Grievance Committee
  • Chair of Accreditation Committee
William Bottom, PhD

William Bottom, PhD

Howard and Marilyn Wood Distinguished Professor

  • Co-Area Chair for Organizational Behavior
  • Associate Dean and Academic Director for Undergraduate Programs
  • Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Fuqiang Zhang, PhD

Fuqiang Zhang, PhD

Dan Broida Professor of Supply Chain, Operations, and Technology

  • Co-Area Chair for Supply Chain, Operations, & Technology
  • Associate Dean and Academic Director of MBA, OMBA, and PMBA Programs
  • Chair of MBA, OMBA, and PMBA Curriculum Committee
Markus Baer, PhD

Markus Baer, PhD

Professor of Organizational Behavior

  • Vice Dean of Degree and Non-Degree Executive Education
  • Chair, EMBA & Executive Programs Curriculum Committee
  • Chair, Brookings Advisory Committee
Mark Leary, PhD

Mark Leary, PhD

Professor of Finance

  • Co-Vice Dean of Faculty & Research
  • Co-Chair, Area Chairs Committee
Stephen Ryan, PhD

Stephen Ryan, PhD

Myron Northrop Professor of Economics

  • Area Chair for Economics
  • Senior Associate Dean (Interim) of Doctoral Programs
  • Chair of Doctoral Programs Committee
Panos Kouvelis, PhD

Panos Kouvelis, PhD

Emerson Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain, Operations, and Technology

  • Chair, Dean’s Advisory Committee
Sergio Chayet, PhD

Sergio Chayet, PhD

Teaching Professor of Supply Chain, Operations, and Technology

  • Academic Director, Supply Chain Management Programs
  • Chair, Specialized Masters Programs Curriculum Committee
Hillary Anger Elfenbein

Hillary Anger Elfenbein

  • Chair, Academic Integrity & Student Conduct Committee