Hello everyone, my name is Kristina Mao, and I study in the MSBA program supply chain track. I have various interests like piano, singing, K-pop dance, and equitation. I will be happy to make friends who have similar interests to me.

This is Binbin Lu, one of the VPs of the SMP Council. I think We Should Give People a Little Olin Shock, and hope all of us can have a memorable semester.

My name is Yuan Wang, you can also call me Lareina. I’m a very typical animal person, I own two dogs, a cat, and a rabbit. In my spare time, I also like to grow flowers and travel. This is my fifth year living in Missouri, so it is logical that I entered Olin to continue my studies. I choose to join SMP because I want to meet more friends and want to get more opportunities to exercise myself.

I am Xindan Zhang, studying in the Customer Analytics track. I am the VP of Social Programs. A fun fact about me is that I order only two cocktails every time. The top 1 drink is the Passion fruit mojito, and the second is the Piña colada. I never changed my choices. For me, Olin Business School is my dream school. Olin Business School allows me to understand customer analytics better and dramatically benefits my future career launch and development. According to statistics, with excellent educational resources and strong Alumni connections, the graduates’ employment rate is also very high. Through our SMP events, students can meet new friends and become better integrated into the Olin Business School family. That is why I am so excited to lead SMP Council.

Greetings to all! My name is Ruichun Li (Jess). I’ll be serving as the SMP Council’s VP of Finance for 2023. I am pursuing the Master in Business Analytics – Financial Technology track at Olin. After completing my bachelor’s degree in Finance at the University of Pittsburgh, I gained a deeper understanding of financial knowledge and insights. As part of this master’s program, I hope to gain more analytical skills and practical experience in big data. During my free time, I enjoy working out, playing sports, watching movies, listening to music, and reading books.
I am passionate about finance and helping others. As a problem solver and communicator, I look forward to fulfilling my responsibilities as the finance liaison between the school administration and SMP students and assisting the council to function efficiently. Moreover, I am thrilled to work with other officers of the SMP council and to help the school and SMP students to create a better community and experiences.

Hi, my name is Zhaojun(Bill) Wang. I am a First Year WAM Student. My hometown is Zhengzhou, China I also consider Columbus, OH as my second home where I received my bachelor’s degree. I love watching NBA and college football; basketball is my favorite sport to play in my spare time. Whenever I get a long vacation, I always plan a road trip. I love making friends and hope to get to know the SMP community.

My name is Yuxuan Wang, and I also can go by Wyatt. My current position in SMP is VP of club engagement. I worked as an accountant for three years after graduating from UCSB and decided to pursue my master’s degree in WUSTL. during my spare time, I love hanging out with my family and friends. As a finance student, my post-graduation goal is to enter the investment banking business.