Drives molar equivalents of the GCaMP7f and DSRed proteins under the OpIE2 promoter. Proteins are separated by the ribosome skipping T2A peptide.

Drives dsRed under the Gryllus actin promoter and GCaMp7f under the OPIE2 promoter. This cassette is flanked by PiggyBac repeats for excision.
Ampicillin resistant.
Drives GCamp under the Gryllus actin promoter and dsRed under the OPIE2 promoter. This cassette is flanked by PiggyBac repeats for excision.
Ampicillin resistant.
Can be used as the backbone in the GoldenGate reaction to build the donor plasmid in our CRISPR/RCME protocol.
**NOTE: We recommend using pXZ13-lacZalpha-KanR instead of this construct for improved antibiotic selectivity. Screening with Kanamycin will kill any cells that have taken in the precursor homology arm plasmids (AmpR) instead of the correct GoldenGate product.**
Amplicillin resistant + LacZalpha blue/white screenable.
This plasmid is available from AddGene; plasmid number 160229
Can be used as the backbone in the GoldenGate reaction to build the donor plasmid in our CRISPR/RCME protocol.
Kanamycin resistant + LacZalpha blue/white screenable.
This plasmid is available from AddGene, plasmid number 160230.