Mentoring in the MTIS Program

For any new field to prosper, both human and intellectual capital must be developed to generate new knowledge and narrow the research to practice gap. We foster a collaborative learning environment to develop a group of D&I researchers who can reduce the gap between research and practice. Our training program is based on a pedagogical philosophy that interpersonal activities (group training, one-to-one mentoring) are key components of the science-building process.

In MTIS, we place a strong emphasis on mentoring, which is a relationship between a senior and junior organizational member to help the mentee (Scholar) advance within her/his career and in an organization. Mentoring has been shown to have clear and numerous benefits (in particular research productivity and career success). Assistance provided to the mentor can enhance these relationships and improve their ability to overcome the barriers to an optimal mentoring relationship. The literature on mentoring in the health sciences forms the basis for our approach to evidence-informed mentoring.