Rebekka Lee, ScD
- Email: rlee@nospam.hsph.harvard.edu
Dr. Lee is a Research Scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She has spent over a decade working at the Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity, where she currently applies implementation science and mixed methods to evaluation & research projects with partners at the Boston Public Health Commission, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and YMCA. She also serves as a Research Specialist for the Community Engagement Program at Harvard Catalyst: The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center. Her research focuses on designing and evaluating community-based interventions that translate into real world policy and environmental change, focusing in particular on investigating the contextual factors that impact effective implementation and promote health equity. She currently teaches an online mixed methods course at Harvard Catalyst, an 8-week training program designed to build the capacity of community practitioners in public health research, and graduate courses on program planning and evaluation. Bekka completed her masters and doctoral degrees in the Department of Social and Behavior Sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Her interest in implementation science began when she authored a chapter focused on schools in the first edition of Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice and participated in the Health Communication Doctoral Fellowship at the Cancer Community Research Center. Since participating in MT-DIRC, she has been awarded an NCI R21 grant to study training implementation strategies for scale up of an evidence-based afterschool nutrition and physical activity intervention, served as faculty for the Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer (TIDIRC), and launched an implementation science course with fellow MT-DIRC participant, Shoba Ramanadhan. Bekka calls Roslindale, MA home. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking meals with her CSA veggies, adventuring around New England on weekend trips, and playing with her pup Brewski.